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Notch, Leo and Schizo...with a cameo from our very own Queen Dixiedo...dropping in to hope you have a wonderful Caturday and if you’re under a heat advisory, like us because it’s 100° today, be careful and drink lots of water!




100F is much hotter than what I have now... would a spray system help the foxes?


I think it is around 88 degrees in the Ottawa area. Lots of cars across the road down by the local creek (which is more of a small river). I am such a hermit that I stay inside anyways and only notice the change in the heat when I have to keep bumping up the air conditioning. I was wondering about Miss Doo lately because she hasn't been in the recent videos. Perhaps she just likes to keep a low profile! Did watch an SAF video of the cats and Mikayla got nipped by Leo! He is one handsome brat! Everyone, keep cool and make sure your furred, finned and feathered friends are not suffering as well.