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From our sweet Mini-Mouse!

She is headed to the vet today so we can get her leg checked out. Please keep her in your thoughts.

Post-vet update:

Mini’s legs are in much worse shape than we thought; it looks like, according to the vet, that her umbilical cord became wrapped round them while she was in the womb and this means that she has zero functionality in her right leg, which was the one we were very worried about, and less than 100% functionality in her left leg. So what does this mean going forward? At the moment the vet is recommending a double amputation because he doesn’t believe that her left leg will ever have enough functionality to be useful to her; we are on antibiotics and some other medications to see if we can restore some of that function to the less damaged leg and then in 10 days we will be going back to the vet for an assessment to see where we stand.

We are already looking into ways that we can do the best for Mini and make sure that she has the most amazing life, just like we promised the day that we rescued her. We reached out to bionic pets and a few other companies that make wheelchairs and also prosthetics. This doesn’t mean that Mini will have any less of a life than any other fox it just means that will make some adaptations and changes that mean that she gets everything that she needs. Hopefully we will see some improved functionality in that left leg, meaning that she will not need a double amputation, but if she does will be here for every step of the way.



Toni Michael

I and others i'm sure will help how best we can...promise


Mikayla I had a kitten that was in a similar situation she did lose her right foot, her left leg started working well enough that she will be 12 this year. The vet said as long as there's blood flowing there's hope, I'm so thankful that you're waiting until she's bigger. Mini is just so cute!!!♥️♥️💯🙏