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With the weather being so warm here, Jasmine, our skunk, joined Emmie for playtime in the squirrel yard. They get on really well together and Emmie loves to play ‘jump the skunk’!

Our Polecat also has moved outside to enjoy the weather, into Clementine’s old enclosure.

They’re all having a blast!




People should take a lesson on the beauty of diversity! I remember seeing Jasmine following Finnegan in the house from one room to another. How do polecats fit in with minks, ferrets, etc.? A Jasmine/Emmie picture would be nice in the next calendar.


He must be kept separate from Jasmine and we don’t mix the pole cat with the mink but he does great with the kitties and Emmie!

Paula Moura

Lovely pictures. They really look adorable 🥰💖