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For those that don’t recall, Peri was a cat that was actually born at Saveafox; after nearly 6 years with the same family, the marriage broke down and she was actually found abandoned in the empty family home after two weeks alone.

The wife found her after old neighbours had reached out and she brought her home where she was promptly closed in a room and ignored because she did not get on with the new kitten. Thankfully the lady reached out to us and we were able to take Peri in. Unfortunately, she really wasn’t happy in a rescue setting and we were desperate to find her a forever home quickly.

We are very lucky at Saveafox to have the most incredible supporters, friends and sponsors and she found the most incredible home with Kevin and his daughter Arianne, who have been sponsors with us since Moby was a resident, and are currently fostering Peep the mink pup!

Peri couldn’t be happier in her new home, with her dog and cat brothers, and loves all the sun spots she can find, sleeping on Arianne’s pillow and supervised outside time and she can always rock her Tortietude to its fullest!

Nothing makes us happier than seeing the animals that have crossed our paths happy and thriving.

We love you Peri! ❤️




Peri didn't deserve that suffering. Glad now has a great home.


FYI, there's someone on Twitter who has proactively grabbed @SaveAFox for you all so nobody else can use it. Just contact them and they'll give it to you. They apparently emailed you all with no response, so I'm just giving you a heads up here in case you all didn't see it. Even if you don't want to use Twitter much (because it can be kind of toxic at times), by at least connecting it to your Instagram and YouTube posts for automatic posting (so that every time you upload a YouTube video it'll post it on Twitter for you automatically) it would be beneficial for growing your reach on another popular social media platform and thus reaching new audiences, more YouTube subscribers, more fans, and translating all of that into likely donors so you can go out and rescue more foxes!!