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Peep is Atlas’ brother and is currently in foster with two of our amazing sponsors - Kevin and his daughter Ariane. For those of you who remember, they initially fostered Pi, now Taz, before he went to his forever home in Illinois.

Peep, like Atlas, is very energetic and his best friend is his monkey; he and Atlas are actually about the same size. Peep is incredibly lucky to be able to be socialised so well, to have access to an indoor and outdoor enclosure and is a wonderful Mink. If you notice, Ariane is wearing a glove and that is how she and Kevin work with Peep - like all mink he communicates with his teeth - this allows them to play with him and interact with him without incurring any of the bites that either myself of Mikayla have received.

Peep is available for sponsorship and adoption!


Meet Peep!



Just wanted to mention that I found it more difficult to access this page. I had to agree to the cookies used at this site and then a page of advertising came up about Patreon. I also had to sign in and use my password.


Peep is wonderful! I love the minks at SAF. I am especially fond of Atlas because of him being in my favourite video swimming with Mikayla. That was so well put together with the action and music. When Mikayla would touch Atlas in the water, did he nip her fingers or just hold them in his mouth? It is exquisite to see how he could move in the water and run right across his mum's bum at one point!