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Every week we’ll bring you a summary of all the happenings at the rescue - news, anecdotes and gossip galore!

- Friday night saw Mikayla mugged by Vixie and Finnegan. The Wiley thieves made off with a bag of mini cucumbers.

- Malachi’s took his first venture outside since arriving at the rescue and made friends with Finnegan

- We found out the front door of the house had broken when Vixie and Finnegan broke in and let out the baby foxes

- Vixie has a crush on Bongo, they’ve been seen flirting through the fence- has Finnegan been replaced?!

- Baby Fox took all the baths!

- Oakley made friends with Archer and Duchess - never a group to get on, SAVEAFOX staff and volunteers were shook when peace was declared and Oakley, Archer and Duchess became friends. Hopes are not high for the rest of the group following suit.

- Between new arrival Malachi fox and Skunka the skunk, no one is getting any sleep at SAVEAFOX - Skunka clacks when she walks and Malachi scratches at the door

- Missing skunk sparks full scale search at SAVEAFOX - skunk found tucked up in Mikayla’s bed!



Sounds like an eventful week, like reading about a reality tv show. Action, drama and plot twists xx


Oh my god that's a great idea :-) Reality show from the foxes' perspectives. Can I be Vixie's voiceover?