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Juji was seen favoring her left rear leg earlier this week. Unfortunately there is no clear understanding of how she injured herself, but she had fractured her femur pretty badly. My only guess is that she fell down from the loft area of the pen she shares with her family. Thankfully we were able to get her to the vet right away and she had orthopedic surgery to fix her leg. She now has a medal rod and medal plates to allow her to walk. We are watching over her very carefully and remain optimistic of her long recovery. Lots of TLC and love for this sweet girl!




Bless her, I hope the leg heals well. 💜💜💜

Candie Jackson

Or she could possibly have jumped and landed on that leg first..which would have taken the full impact of her body weight…and from that height….ouch!!! Fortunately she has all you at SAF who love her and will give her all the care she needs for a Godspeed recovery. She’s a beautiful girl…with those milk and cookies colors🤍🖤…and her gorgeous Hawaiian lei around her neck 🦊🧡