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A few weeks ago we made a post about Mufasa and how he might need a hind leg amputation due to how severely his leg was broken. Today we wanted to post an update that unfortunately, that was the case. We had been trying splints and everything else to help heal the poor boys leg but sadly nothing worked. His leg was so damaged that if we did not amputate he would have early onset arthritis as well as so much pain. After the most recent vet visit we all agreed this was the best option for him to have the highest quality of life.

Here is some photos of him from today! His surgery was yesterday morning and he's already up and about with no real change. With how damaged the leg was he wasn't able to use it for weeks and it mostly just got in his way of being comfortable and able to move around. I think he looks a little sleepy, from his medication, but pretty relieved to not be in pain and have some better mobility.

We will post another update in a few days with how he's healing! :)



Candie Jackson

You definitely made the right choice for him. I agree…he must feel so much better. Bless you all for doing what’s right for him🦊🧡


We have a rescued cat and had to make the same decision. It is remarkable how well they can adapt.