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Just a few updates from us down in swampland!

Luna cat has settled in very well! She’s eating well and requesting lots of snuggle time from us. We have helped relieve her of her pain temporarily with meds and are hoping to get her problem teeth extracted soon.

Momo was unfortunately not welcomed back to his family with open paws. As a result he had a seizure during intros and I moved him back to his bachelor pad immediately. It’s not worth risking his health, especially since he had not had any seizures since he came home from the hospital back in January. He’s been doing just fine alone again and it’s even helped his relationship with us.

Chenga was recently found unresponsive just like Momo was found. So, she too, was rushed to UF. All of her diagnostics were inconclusive, so most likely it was neurological like a grand mal seizure. Unlike Momo, she did not have any seizures while hospitalized, so she got to come home quicker. We started her on meds anyway to help keep her safe! Roo and Juji had to check her out as soon as she returned, While Scout was disappointed I wasn’t bringing in treats. She’s been doing well so far!



Wishing the best for Momo and Chenga.


also Chenga's smile is very cute