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I am giving you this news with the heaviest of hearts...our beloved Felix has passed away unexpectedly. It was the most heartbreaking thing for me, I laid with him for hours under his tree when I found him there. This hurts so much to write, and I still haven't come to terms with it. I love him so dearly, and I know you care about him too. This death has been incredibly hard on our entire team of animal care takers.
When going through the pain of his loss I couldn't handle the pressure of taking on everyone else's pain too. I needed to be alone in this feeling before taking on the heartbreak of others.
He was such a beautiful boy up there in his tree, and it hurts so deep to see it empty. He was the very first fox at our MN rescue, and that he was so SO important to me. So many memories of waiting on him to go away at night, only for him to stubbornly sit in his tree defying me. And moving like lightning around his yard, so fast that the other foxes could never hope to keep up! He was seriously such a unique fox, and had such a wild heart. I haven't made this public yet, and am letting you know personally. I am so sorry, I know this hurts you too.
I'm wanting to make a memorial video of him before announcing it publicly. But as you can imagine, that's a difficult thing to do.



Armond Matevosian

I swear it's harder to lose a companion animal than a human being. It destroys when I think about it. First Libby now Felix? Is there something on the sanctuary that may be causing these things to happen do you think?

Mother of Dragoncats

Poor Felix. 🥺 I hope it was quick and painless. We loved him here at our home. Such a unique spirit.


Mikayla, I am so very sorry. Felix was an absolutely special Fox. Beautiful, intelligent, peculiar. I remember following and chiming in on most of the "Felix's Tree Drama's" of years past... "Will he leave the tree?" "We must build him things for the tree!!" etc. etc. 🥲❤️ My heart goes out to you Mikayla and team SAF. But you must remember, it was because of You, and Felix knew it, that he lived "His" best life ever, in his home in a tree at Save A Fox. 🦊❤️


That's so sad it physically hurts when I think about it. I'm so sorry for you and everyone there. He had a good life there at save a fox and was very much loved which is one positive we can think about.

Paula Moura

😓 😢 💔 🥹 🫶 🙏 ✨️