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Howdy yall! Russell here. I didn't change much from last week except I attempted a couple more settings that also didn't work out. The learning process is incredibly frustrating.

I also attempted a way to stabalize the camera without the tripod that worked quite well I'd say. Otherwise it's the same story as last week. A slight filter to increase saturation. I brought the watermark opacity down quite a bit too so hopefully it isn't as distracting

I also added captions with names of each fox as well as either an interesting tid-bit or my opinion on the shot. Let me know if you guys like that!

Bonus photo - The owl photo at the end there was actually taken on the side of the road about 15 minutes from Save a Fox. I took 5 photos of the little guy and that was the closest I got before they flew off. Unfortunately I didn't have a more powerful lens cause the lighting and setting was beautiful.

Let me know what you all think! 


Stevie at sunset. I took 4 photos of her and the only one that came out clear was her facing away from me T.T
Mala with some hair on her nose
Probably my favorite photo of the set. Kipper lurking around in his yard
Cerberus was watching Stevie intently
Our new girl Stella! She is absolutely beautiful so I couldn't help but try and get a few photos of her. She makes a great model!
Nirvana/Nova, one of the two gray foxes rescued a few months ago. I love this photo! Look at how pretty those eyes are!
Serafina relaxing under a tree. I love trying to get photos that look like these guys are out in the wild.
I interrupted Espeons nap for this photo. In exchange I had to give her a belly rub. She's a tough negotiator.
Floofala looking both judgmental and royal.
Our star citizen Finnegan didn't want to wake up from his nap so this was the best photo I got of him this week
Sophie was relaxing on the trampoline. I love how her paws are crossed over eachother.
Not Jacks most flattering photo, he's looking a bit extra fluffy. I couldn't help but use this photo though. I love his eyes!
Pan in the tree. I absolutely love this photo
Stevie at sunset. I took 4 photos of her and the only one that came out clear was her facing away from me T.T
This shot would have been perfect if I was just 50 feet closer. But I still think it's pretty cool. This owl was huge!


Thomas Craig

Hi Russell, the foxes are gorgeous models for your pictures! Be patient and you will find the right hardware & software to produce stunning photos. Keep on the lookout for an iPad Pro to process & tweak your jpeg files.


Love the photos and the commentary