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As Azazel continued to pore over the documents before him, he tried his best to calm his troubled heart. If his colleagues were to see him now, they would be surprised, seeing him trying his best to concentrate on the reports of his spies and see if there was anything he might have missed in his previous read. The situation was simply that dire.

Tobio had failed to give his scheduled report after he'd gone to inspect a half-forgotten Fallen Angel base in Kuoh. In fact, he had missed multiple daily reports, ever since Azazel had given the assignment. He feared that something bad had happened, and at the worst possible time for it, too.

Today, the Fallen Angel Azazel had tasked with reporting the Satans’ movements, had just reported that a group that would be considered overkill even if the Devils suddenly decided to restart the Great War again was on the move. Four Satan-Class Devils, Sirzechs, Ajuka, Serafall, and Grayfia, despite lacking the title, Grayfia is still Satan-Class, were heading from the Underworld into Kuoh… Despite his Dad’s death, Azazel was tempted to pray for Tobio’s sake that his sudden silence was not connected with the Satan’s movements.

At least Azazel could continue to convince himself that the situation wasn't interconnected in any way.

Yes, Tobio hadn't made his reports for days, but that was not reason enough for Azazel to sound the alarm about the condition of his best agent, and perhaps, in a way, his nephew… No matter how much of a Tsundere his adopted son, Vali, might interact with Tobio, their relationship was more like brothers. So, in a way, Tobio is also Azazel’s son, no matter how much Tobio would complain about it, and how their actual relationship isn’t actually that close.

More than a relationship between a boss and their subordinate, but not close enough to consider it familial. It was more like a ‘protégé’ and ‘ teacher’? But sadly no more yet than that.

And as a teacher who had watched Tobio closely, Azazel knew more than anyone that if Tobio got into a mess for any reason – he wouldn't disappear quietly. Tobio was comparable in his power level to Cadre – perhaps even higher, given Tobio's [Longinus] and his outstanding combat experience with it. So, no matter what opponent Tobio decided to face, it was virtually impossible to defeat him quietly, so there would be news should anything happen to Tobio…  Unless his assailant was the Great Red, of course.

But in that case, Azazel would not be hearing about Tobio’s desperate struggle with the apex being, but about how Kuoh was wiped from the surface of Earth. Compared to the movements of the Dragon of Dragons, the appearance of four Satan class Devils would almost be unworthy of attention.

But Azazel hadn't received any reports of destruction in Kuoh or a battle between powerful magical entities, which meant that Tobio was clearly not missing after a confrontation with a dangerous opponent… Or this opponent was so superior to Tobio that it wasn't funny and Azazel could only wrap himself in a funeral shroud and go straight to the cemetery.

But since Azazel was in no hurry to go to the graveyard, at least not until he had tried all the women, all the wine, and all the entertainment in the world, that option could be dismissed as improbable.

Besides, to be honest, if there was only one, single Satan-level Devil in Kuoh, then Azazel would start to worry. The fact there were four of such Devils, two of them in the list of strongest beings in the world, is wildly an overreaction to Tobio. Even if the Devils really wanted to make sure that Tobio would be very dead, just sending Sirzechs would be more than enough, no need to have him along with Ajuka.

And to add to that point, Tobio knows that his mission was not so important or secret that he needed to risk his life to accomplish it.

While Tobio would probably try his best to remain discreet, should he be found out, giving up immediately is an option to take. Even if he would probably suffer some cold treatment by a brocon and siscon duo, overly worried about their sisters’ safety. It’s not like the Fallen were doing anything significant there. And while having a Fallen presence so close to the Satans’ younger sisters could be a source of conflict, there haven’t been any either, so Tobio should be able to negotiate his way out of any possible Devil captivity.

Azazel really hoped that no such thing would have happened, though, Kokabiel would be so annoying to deal with. He could almost hear the theatrical bastard loudly opining about how Azazel has grown weak, about how they should press the Devil, about how they should put Kokabiel in charge.

Feh, they might as well just kill the rest of the Fallen themselves before the Cadre even think of putting Kokabiel in charge, since the Great War would restart next.

While he was thinking of the worst case scenario here, why not think the opposite? Should Tobio get in contact with the Devils, it’s possible for him to ask them to help with his mission. It was much better to deal with a minor diplomatic incident, apologize and pick up the out-of-contact Fallen from an abandoned church in Kuoh than to risk a major skirmish. All on the eve of signing an agreement to end the Great War.

But if that was what happened, why is his best operative, his closest student and, pops forbid, a threat to Leviathan or Lucifer's little sister, hadn’t reported back at all?

The Fallen certainly had their own strong combatants, so they couldn't be called completely defenseless. But, even assuming Azazel was as insane and bloodthirsty as Kokabiel, Lucifer and Beelzebub would wipe the Fallen to the last in a day or so, and just in time for dinner. The only proof of any damage the Fallen made, a few bruises on their knuckles, and that was only because they couldn't keep up their ardor for crushing the skulls of all the Fallen in their path.

Offending the Devils would be a suicide pact.

So, in light of that fact, Azazel tried his best to calm his nerves, convincing himself that Tobio was probably in another mess like the ones he was used to getting into, but nothing too bad… Or maybe he just ate some dodgy Chinese food and was too busy getting to know the porcelain throne better to make any report. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that had happened, that Azazel had reminded him many times to stop getting food in abandoned back alleys, no matter how Tobio insisted that that's where the best restaurants are found.

If something like that happened again, Tobio knew full well that Azazel was not a forgiving father. Which meant that the best agent of the Fallen had to seriously consider what kind of shape he was going to spend the next two weeks in after Azazel finished whipping him for making him worry so much!

But, as comical as the thought might be, Azazel needed to prepare for the worst case scenario, which means preparing the Fallen for war… Just imagining how smug Kokabiel would look should he ever learn of this, tempted Azazel to just say fuck it and go to Kuoh himself to find Tobio. No matter how tense things might be with the Satans there.

Of all the Cadre, Azazel was the third most experienced in combat, after Baraqiel and Kokabiel, but the first in strength, and in knowledge and magical skill. So, he had no trouble not only recognizing the personal teleportation intrusion into his office, but also determining that behind it was a Fallen Angel of outstanding strength but not much magical skill. Of all such Fallen, Azazel could think of only a few, and given the suddenness of the intrusion into his private office, a few names eventually turned to one.

In the few moments it took Kokabiel to form the portal gates, dozens of plans and explanations managed to form in Azazel’s mind. And Azazel's analytical mind, even if nowadays far more accustomed to the calm environment of a laboratory experiment, churned out the reasons one by one.

An assassination attempt on Azazel? Not impossible, but unlikely. Kokabiel, for all his mania, wanted to drag Azazel, and in doing so, the rest of the Fallen into war, not kill him. It was not in his plans to weaken the Fallen so badly by aping the Devils and having their very own Civil War, before executing his plans.

Especially given the rift that would begin within the entire Fallen faction should Kokabiel attack Azazel.

Demanding an abdication of command? Kokabiel needed a lot more support for that, his faction, despite being composed more of the Veterans, were a small faction. For all his idiocy, he at least had a rudimentary understanding of exactly how intrigue functioned, even if he could never stomach it.

A provocation to test Azazel’s response? Extremely likely. An attempt to further weaken his power and bring to his side those Fallen who wished to see a real ‘strong’ leader, believing the effectiveness of governance to be determined by just such barbaric antics.

But all such thoughts were momentarily put to rest when Kokabiel's hand, before he had even fully manifested through, jerked forward, and the object previously clutched in his hand arced toward Azazel.

Azazel in turn, deciding that such an action was most likely not an assassination attempt, and considering the fact that Kokabiel himself could not have prepared an explosive or artifact capable of destroying Azazel, grasped the object thrown at him… Only to feel the familiar disgusting pliability beneath his hands. A barely warm, wet, slightly sticky liquid drew Azazel's gaze to it, causing him to freeze.

Even his eyes, accustomed to a multitude of laboratory sights, with some of his experiments incredibly gory even to someone that is experienced in war, still took a moment to recognize the object thrown at him.

Meat. More specifically, a heart.

Judging by the surrounding flesh and trauma, it was ripped out without remorse, most likely by Kokabiel's own hand. It had not yet had time to cool… And judging by the slight twitching, it had not had time to stop beating. A heart that was still alive, albeit with the most scientific definition of ‘alive’. What’s more important than the freshness of the kill however is the feeling of Mana wafting off of it, the heart once belonged to a Devil… A strong Devil, a familiar one, a Gremory.

Azazel's mind, which was drawn into full focus once he had noticed Kokabiel, grinded to a halt. A deadly cold shiver ran down Azazel’s spine as he looked upward at Kokabiel's face, which was filled with madness, joy and triumphant superiority.

“What have you done…” Azazel whispered slowly, his face frozen in horror, unable to unclench the hand that clutched the bloody ‘gift’ from Kokabiel.

“What does it matter if I've already done it?” However, despite the graveness in Azazel’s tone, Kokabiel's huge grin only grew wider in response, stretching to the point where madness was the only recognizable emotion on his face.

A moment later, the sirens alerting that a Teleportation was imminent howled. But Azazel didn't need the sirens, as space itself seemed to twist in pain, as if a maddened beast had clawed its fangs and claws into the fabric of reality, ripping it away.

Moments ago, Azazel had wondered what it would look like should the Great Red decide that he would go on a rampage. And while not as strong as the Great Red, Azazel probably didn’t have to wonder for long, he didn't even have to wonder who exactly is coming to reap the lives of the Fallen.

“I WILL FUCKING TEAR YOU TO PIECES, KOKABIEL!” Azazel threw the Devil's heart away from his hands a moment later, one by one activating the barriers and numerous artifacts, preparing for the battle of his life… No, not a battle, an attempt to get a chance to escape from the rage-crazed Sirzechs Gremory.

“But first you'll have to get me away from Lucifer!” Kokabiel laughed a maniacal laugh at these words, feeling his dream begin to take shape with every second, as the drum of Destruction resounded.

And in the next instant, Destruction itself rained onto the Fallen’s land.

As soon as the portal gate formed deep within the territory of the fallen, a wave of pure power and annihilating rage of the [Power of Destruction], swept like a wave in all directions. It was a power that the bearer always tried his best to reign in, but at this moment, control was the last thing on his Sirzechs Gremory’s mind.

Half of Azazel's shields and defenses ceased to exist in an instant, with the other half holding on only for an instant more. The formless wave of Destructive rage gnawed into the walls, the tables, and the paper of Azazel's reports, turning them into nothing, not distinguishing between bare walls and the priceless artifacts in its path.

Azazel's personal defense was instantly under assault, his first winking out, the second lasting barely a second more, and judging by it rapidly losing its luster the third would be gone soon. His fourth, and last, barrier might give him a minute at most, but that’s only if he doesn’t suffer a direct hit from the enraged Lucifer, otherwise a second or two would be a miracle.

He simply needed more time. Time to evacuate his best toys, like the unfinished prototype of the [Sacred Mechanism] created through a [Contract] with Fafnir. Thoughts about hiding his capabilities soon fly out of the window. If he could at least escape from Lucifer, that would be beyond all of Azazel's expectations of himself.

The wave of Destruction that had swept through his office, destroying even the walls, the building, and Azazel's secretaries, who hadn't even had time to cry out in surprise, weakened for a moment. But that doesn’t mean that it’s over, the destructive [Power of Destruction] didn't disappear completely.

On the contrary, that was just the opening shot, a greeting of sorts, as Azazel could see Sirzechs Gremory himself appearing. Now, nothing more than an almost shapeless mass of pure destruction and unspeakable rage that looked only remotely like the grotesque form of a man. Made of shimmering and pulsing black and red colors and purple hues of the [Power of Destruction], a power seeking to devour everything around him.

The glimpse cost Azazel precious moments, as Sirzechs let out a howl, indescribable in its madness, and unleashed another wave of destruction around him.

Azazel's shield instantly lost half of its charge, in fact continuing to lose a few percent per second. A minute on Azazel's part in his calculations about his abilities was nothing more than naive hope.

Echoing Lucifer's insane rage was the equally insane laughter of Kokabiel, who continued to contain Lucifer's power, but even so could not completely escape it, the feathers on his black wings too quickly decaying under Sirzechs’ onslaught. A moment later, a pair of huge [Spears of Light] burst from Kokabiel's hands, but could not even reach Lucifer's body, dispersing powerlessly before his [Form of Destruction].

A futile action to which Kokabiel responded only with more maddened laughter, so sincere in its madness that one might even think it was a child's laughing from sincere joy.

Somewhere not far away, in the sterile, empty ruins that a second ago had been Grigori’s Governor General palace, the Fallen continued to die, wiped from existence by the wave of Destruction. Dozens of Fallen disappeared before they even realized that they were already dead, and Azazel saw no way to stop it. Saw no way to stop Lucifer now, to make him hear reason.

The realization that every second of delay was killing a hundred fallen, as well as bringing Azazel himself closer to death, made him realize something.

Kokabiel, Grigori's festering boil, left unattended in Azazel's political games, wanting to focus on creating an end to the Great War, had won. Azazel, so busy in keeping the status quo and peace among the Fallen, ignoring Kokabiel’s muttering in madness about his idiotic ideas, had failed. Kokabiel had won before Azazel could do anything, as Azazel found himself bound hand and foot.

Azazel, the entire race of the Fallen, was cornered and faced with a terrible choice, fight and die anyway or just die. While fighting also meant death… But maybe a few seconds later than in the case of a surrender. And Azazel couldn't afford to die, and, as the Governor General of Grigori, couldn't afford to let the fallen fade into oblivion.

‘FUCK YOU KOKABIEL!’ Azazel howled inside his mind, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, as his life’s work was wiped away by a wave of Destruction. But, pinned against the wall, answered aloud differently.

“[Shining Spear of the Fallen Dragon]!”

In response to Azazel finally engaging Lucifer, Kokabiel could only respond with his own insane laughter, and a dozen [Spears of Light] of his own.


"I wonder when I'll next get the chance to interact with Demons?" Now back in Miki’s home, Momonga went into his room and settled down on his bed, thoughtfully trying to calculate in his head the moment when he would be able to return to the negotiations. In other words, just daydreaming, since he didn’t know why they left the negotiations in the first place.

"I wonder why they left so suddenly during the meeting?"

When three of his potential opponents, including two unknowns of the hundredth level or even higher, who had come to negotiate with him suddenly began to act so suspiciously, Momonga prepared for the worst. A battle against unknowns.

After all, false negotiations to lure and destroy an enemy, especially given the perceived advantage in combat power on the enemy's side, were not anything new. It was even still occasionally practiced even in YGGDRASIL, rarely of course, given just how many Revivals options there are. Ambushes where you don’t immediately wipe the other party are usually done very rarely, usually done either to take a particularly important piece of equipment that the weaker player had accidentally or deliberately brought with him. Or as an opening before an attack was launched, to take out a few negotiators and seize any chance to give one’s side the maximum possible advantage.

For example, for his meeting with the Demons, Albedo, Demiurge, and Pandora’s Actor, were literally under his feet. Considering Momonga's presence, the number of level 100 combatants on his side was effectively double, meaning he could guarantee that he would be able to, if not defeat, at least repel an attack on him.

If his opponents did turn out to be stronger than level 100, at the very least, Momonga had a good chance that he would be able to escape and take refuge in Nazarick. Even if he has to sacrifice the rest of the party. Unfortunately, in that case, he would obviously have to burn bridges and abandon Miki. But Momonga was much more relaxed about that option than he was about trying to get into a fight with a powerful enemy that he barely had any idea about.

Luckily, even as he prepared for battle, the Demons stood up and apologized swiftly and disappeared. And then, as the Hanzo, who was hiding in the shadows of one of the demonesses, informed him, urgently departed somewhere else using [Gate] or at least something that looked really similar to one. [Gate] is the ultimate teleportation spell, barring some very specific situations and specific abilities, it did not have a maximum teleportation distance and could create passages even to other worlds. In other words, Momonga has no idea where the demons had gone… Well, Hell most probably, but he had no idea where that is either.

In order to find the demons now and try to follow them and find out the reason for their departure, Momonga would have to ask Nigredo, something he would prefer not to do at the moment. Given that, she was currently scouting out a suitable location to introduce the next batch of agents after Shalltear’s assignment on the other side of the world. Her focused work could mean the difference between success and failure of such an endeavor.

However, putting aside thinking about such a thing, the Demons had promised to contact Momonga in the future and inform him of their future negotiations, so perhaps there’s no need to worry yet.

Moreover, Momonga also needs to consider how to treat the Demons’ actions and what to get for it. After all, by breaking off the negotiations one-sidedly, they had committed a significant transgression on their part. And so Momonga was free to choose now whether he should ask for some sort of compensation, to leave such a debt for the future, or just forget it altogether and win some good favor with the Demons.

Either way, it was a matter of the future, the matter of the present was what Momonga had to concentrate on at the moment. And thinking of the huge bounty the Hanzo had just informed him, Momonga had to rely on Emotion Suppression to stop him whooping in joy, and dancing.

As the Hanzo had informed him, the school building on the Kuoh Academy grounds had been effectively destroyed due to the effects of some demonic ability. He had to fight himself not to ask his subordinates whether or not he had silently asked his subordinates to destroy the school. Momonga was definitely tempted to do so many times before.

Well, he didn’t have to do that now.

Though apparently, and luckily, none of the school's students and teachers were injured in such an act of destruction. Apparently the building had been completely cleared of people beforehand, when it was prepared by the demons as some sort of their base in the negotiations… Which in general didn't really interest or bother Momonga much.

Not having any casualties was of course a positive, expanding the possible number of his contacts in the human world is a goal of Momonga. On the other hand, Momonga wouldn't be that bothered by it if some of them accidentally died – especially if it allowed Momonga to miss school.

Even if the Demons somehow manage to make it that Momonga needed to compensate for the school’s destruction, they’re Demons after all. Despite Momonga’s past worries about their finances, it turned out that Raynare's earnings were extremely outstanding in this world…

And that in turn meant that for a brief time, Momonga didn't really have anything to do.

Shalltear was right now busy scouting and absorbing the underworld in Kyoto, Nigredo and Sebas were preparing to leave for Europe, and Demiurge and Albedo were busy with Raynare's church and making money, leaving Momonga free to do anything. Momonga knew that in such a situation, he could take a break and rest, but on the other hand, he couldn't let such a thing happen.

The thought of a boss resting while his employees were working hard made him immediately think of his own experiences in his past life. Endless shifts after shift, while his own boss was constantly going to the arcologies for ‘appointments’ and work outings, returning from those only to write himself another bonus, usually drunk and smelling of expensive perfumes.

He couldn't afford to rest at the moment, when Nazarick's very place in the world was still unstable, with still so many holes about the intelligence of this world.

If he were to make even one major mistake, it could mean losing the respect of his followers and jeopardizing the entirety of Nazarick!

Momonga stood up from his bed, slamming his fist against his palm with a determined look… After which, he sat back down and thought for a moment about what he could do.

Even though he was ready to act at this moment, he still didn't know what he could do. In this world, his newfound abilities made him more suitable for infiltration into human society. With his ability to change his appearance at will and with some of his skills from his past life, means that he should be able to infiltrate any organization.

Even if his life experience is mostly from YGGDRASIL, and his real life experience is out of date, by a large margin in the future, Momonga was not all that confident. Never mind the fact of just how badly he was burned by his first ‘infiltration’ attempt, ending with him being enrolled in a dungeon… School.

What was the point of Momonga infiltrating human society once more if it would only lead to another such problem? Or worse!?

In that case, of the other things Momonga could do, besides interacting with demons… [World Class Items]? That is, the [Longinuses]. Indeed, he had almost forgotten about such an important concern. Each [Longinus] was an issue, a potential danger even to a level 100 opponent, and therefore their existence should never be forgotten that could only be counteracted by another [World Class Item].

Ainz Ooal Gown Guild do possess the largest collection of such items in YGGDRASIL, even so, there were still only eleven of them. One of which, the [Throne of Kings], could never be taken out of Nazarick, and another needed to be kept in Momonga's possession.

In other words, there were only nine such items that could counter the effects of a [Longinus], two of which belonged to the Twenty and could only be used once. So, they were to be Nazarick's best kept secret as a trump card until the very last moment.

In other words, Momonga only had the ability to allocate seven such items, and that wasn't enough to equip even all the creatures of the hundredth level. Although, assuming that someone had to be the bait, and some of the creatures of the hundredth level, such as Omega, would always be in Nazarick, and so under the protection of the [Throne of Kings]…

Alright, the situation was gradually becoming clearer to Momonga.

The problem existed in the fact that out of all the [Longinuses] of Nazarick, only two of them suited their hosts. Momonga synergized well with his, while [Ginnungagap] of Albedo’s covered her weakness in ranged attacks and AoEs, plus the [Throne of Kings] provided a general defense effective in any situation. All the other [World Class Items], although powerful, were completely unnecessary additions to their users. Pandora's Actor, due to his immense tactical flexibility, could probably make use of them somewhat, however, all the others…

Momonga thought about it for a moment, internally composing combinations of items and abilities amongst the NPCs and seeing which [World Class Item] could work best with whom. After all, he had spent a lot of time remembering Nazarick's NPCs capabilities, and he would never be able to forget the 'legal cheat' abilities in Nazarick's treasury, but that doesn’t mean that he would abide by subpar builds. Abilities that did not fit perfectly with the NPCs' builds, would mean a long adaptation period in order to use them with full power.

If it was even possible to do so in the first place, of course…

Well, optimized builds were a secondary concern, what matters most was that [World Class Items] protects against others of its kind. So, despite his discomfort at the idea of improper builds, he would still need to hand them out to the NPCs that are running out and about of Nazarick.

As for who was to be left as bait….

Definitely not Pandora's Actor. Thanks to his tactical abilities, he could unleash the power of any assigned [World Class Item]… [Longinus]! Re-adapting to a new lexicon after twelve years of playing YGGDRASIL was a lot harder than just internally repeating a new name a couple of times.

Right, not Pandora’s Actor because as the best wielder of a myriad of [World Class Items] it’s best to use him as a counter-attack and not as a potential sacrifice. With his flexibility and ability to change form at will, Pandora’s better suited to be a spy, rather than a potential sacrifice.

Albedo and Shalltear… No, they were currently in a relationship with him, and so Momonga was concerned that such a lack of willingness to protect them would hurt their feelings. Not to mention that he thought it was somewhat odd not to try to protect his girlfriend, or girlfriends? Never mind.

Certainly not Aura and Mare, Momonga wouldn't allow the children to be under such great danger.

And, after brief deliberation, Demiurge, wouldn’t do either. In terms of fighting ability, Demiurge might be the weakest link among all the hundredth level representatives, his fighting ability was inferior even to some of the special area guardians in Nazarick. But, Demiurge possessed unrivaled intelligence and was responsible for organizing Nazarick's defenses. Losing such a link at a critical moment could mean more than just a problem, but a real loss in a war before the fighting even began.

In such a case, the choice between the bait would be a choice between Sebas and Cocytus…

Both of them were powerful warriors, together with Albedo, they made up the Triumvirate of specialized Nazarick warriors.

Albedo, with her defense, defeated Sebas, who dealt constant but low damage, but would lose to Cocytus, who was capable of several extremely powerful burst damaging attacks with high armor penetration. Cocytus won against Albedo, given that her own damage potential was incomparable to other level 100 specialists, but lost to Sebas because Sebas only needed to dodge his extremely strong but single attacks a couple of times while dealing chip damage. And Sebas definitely beat Cocytus by delivering high damage at all times, but he had low armor penetration and was useless against Albedo, who could wear Sebas down and steadily accumulate an advantage in frequent exchanges.

Momonga pondered once more, deciding between the benefits of one decision or the other. Losing a constant Damage Dealer with less potential burst damage, or losing a Damage Dealer capable of dealing incredible burst damage. Which was more important at the moment?

Sebas was preparing to go on a mission right now, while Cocytus wouldn't be able to easily blend in for quite some time. At least not until Momonga had integrated into the local world of the paranormal, and figured out a disguise or identity for him.

In the end, Momonga's long deliberation came to an end, it would be Cocytus… When he could think off of a way to introduce him into the paranormal world.

Besides, why would he need to worry? Everything is at peace right now, slow and steady is the way to go.

Nodding contentedly as he had come to a decision, Momonga sighed, then shifted his gaze to the clock, as if wondering if it was already time for the demons to reappear with a request for new negotiations. Mockingly, the clock hand moved to a new number, counting down exactly five minutes since Momonga's musings began.

Looking at the hand of the clock, Momonga wondered if there was any point in checking himself for the effects of illusions at this point, before sighing and covering his eyes, thinking about what to do next… Before coming to the realization that Momonga hardly knew what he was supposed to be doing at this moment.

After thinking for a little more time, Momonga got up from his bed, before glancing through the window at the roadway of this world.

At least Momonga had a huge theoretical knowledge of YGGDRASIL and knew seven hundred spells, not including special abilities and [Super Tier Magic]. Which meant that he had plenty of things to research on through practical experiments. Who knows how his spells would turn out now…

Though, Momonga was really curious why the Demons suddenly decided to cut negotiations short. Was it a negotiating tactic? Was the point of leaving early to make Momonga anxious, or something? Or did they accomplish their goal simply by meeting with Momonga face to face?

Well, he would probably never know…


finnikin finnikin

Thank for the chapter cant wait to see the next one the see what happens next

Johnny Staffiles

Good couple of chapters. Well find it interesting when he decides to collect the gears and they find out he can "create" angels with his summons.

Súper hibrid

It would be entertaining if, due to a misunderstanding between Momonga and Asia, the latter ended the mission of creating Bible 2, collecting stories and perspectives from various characters.