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Luckily, before Jonathan’s emotion could go to its full tilt, a moment later, the answer on the scroll screen changed.

You need the help of Atlas' army.

Jonathan was relieved that the emotion had not yet formed into a complete thought, and could not help but exhale loudly.

Of course, indeed, from Ozpin's point of view it was definitely worth having contingencies, after all, Jonathan had not initiated him into the mysteries of magic and Ozpin was still in the dark as to Jonathan's own full powers. Especially considering that the destruction of the past super-horde had left Jonathan disabled, it was logical to assume that such an action was really costly for him. A misunderstanding that Jonathan himself was not keen on dispelling.

Him, being the king of a new Kingdom was already something that made international relations tense – him having the capability of destroying any army at the snap of his fingers, were just asking to be invaded. The fact that it also diverts Salem’s attention from himself was a definite plus. But, right now, the situation certainly called for action, and Atlas would come too late to help anyone… perhaps on purpose.

So with a nod to Summer, he divulged a secret that he would prefer to keep secret if not for the dire situation. Of course, Summer was an important figure to Ozpin and therefore must have been privy to Jonathan's abilities on at least some level, but Jonathan still didn't want to reveal all his secrets to her. Especially when dealing with Ozpin, but then, needs to, so he started typing.

“I can destroy the horde without problem.”

The message went away, Jonathan only having time to blink before a reply arrived.

“I know.”

“Osmond?” Summer's voice sounded nearby, but Jonathan brushed it aside, immersed in his own thoughts.

Does he know? Know what?

He knows, literally. He knows that you can destroy the horde even without the aid of Atlas's army.

Then… Why all this?

A mute question rose in Jonathan's mind, causing him to type another question.

"Why don't you want me to destroy the horde myself?"

The answer to that question came a few seconds later.

"I'm worried about protecting you and Vacuo."

“Huh?” A strange sound came out of Jonathan’s mouth as he blinked, looking at the Scroll before shifting his gaze to Summer, who was already looking at him, confused. Seeing Summer wanting to ask something, Jonathan shook his head at the unasked question.

“I'm sorry, I…  Need to go…”

He needed to talk with Ozpin face to face as soon as possible. Luckily, for him, distance is just a suggestion.


“Ozpin?” Jonathan's appearance in Ozpin's office was, fortunately by coincidence, unobtrusive, as Glynda had left the room only a few minutes ago. Had Jonathan been more sloppy or more abrupt, the likelihood of him appearing out of thin air in front of Glynda would not have been small, not that Jonathan has the presence of mind to be worried about that now.

“I have many questions, but I will start with the most important – what is going on?”

“My dear grandson…” Ozpin replied in his usual manner, but at the moment Jonathan was too focused on the question that was bothering him to pay attention to Ozpin's sense of humor, as unchanged as his expression.

“Please be more specific, what is worrying you at the moment?”

“The Super-Horde in Vacuo," Jonathan did not argue or skirt around the issue before asking his question, "I could destroy it right now.”

“Yes, I know, and I believe I've already told you that?" Ozpin only nodded at those words, "I suppose the question in this case would be about my insistence on Atlas's help?”

With an affirmative nod from Jonathan, Ozpin continued his answer. "Well, we have two obstacles here, your desire to be the least conspicuous of Salem's adversaries and both of our desire to protect as many civilians as possible. Wanting not to draw attention to yourself is understandable and natural, I understand. But in that case, the most effective way of destroying the horde while limiting civilian casualties, is a military operation by Atlas with Summer's help.”

At Ozpin’s words, Jonathan frowned, it was hard not to agree with Ozpin, before he sighed nonetheless. “I think… that I am prepared to take an open stand against Salem.”

These words, though perhaps they could have swayed a man more simple than Ozpin, did not cause him to pause from his current occupation – refilling his mug with hot cocoa. Taking a sip, Ozpin turned back to Jonathan, and yet remained silent, ratcheting the pressure in the room, causing Jonathan to reflexively adjust the cloak thrown over his shoulders.

“Commendable," Ozpin replied without changing his tone of voice, "But, without the army's intervention, I don't think you could completely wipe out the Grimm horde in a single blow, much less without hitting a single civilian, could you?”

Ozpin's question was difficult to answer, yet he was right.

“That is true,” Jonathan was forced to speak slowly, word for word. “But I can wipe out most of the horde in a single blow, leaving only small groups…”

“Which would immediately disperse. Groups that would either destroy small villages, or any unlucky travellers." Ozpin replied calmly, causing Jonathan to frown slightly.

"If the Grimm horde is not destroyed in one operation, surrounded, under control and destroyed to every last Grimm – who knows what consequences that would have? Especially considering that any surviving Grimm could be the central Grimm? The formation of a second super-horde within the next few months is not at all what we need, is it?”

“Yes…” After a few seconds of silence, Jonathan was forced to slowly retreat under the pressure of the sound argument.

“I appreciate your willingness to help in the battle against Salem, especially since you are willing to show her your power yourself,” Ozpin allowed a small smile to his lips. “But overzealousness to help can sometimes be more harmful than helpful.”

Jonathan felt the urge to object, having said that about Raven's squad, but given that he could see no fault with Ozpin’s point even within his mind, he couldn’t. Raven, for all her power, was not equal to a complete army, Jonathan himself had recently seen for himself that she could not organize a complete hold on the Grimm horde or ensure that it was completely surrounded.

Yes, Jonathan could have wiped out most of the horde, and with Raven, her squad and Summer, the remnants of the horde would have been cleaned and wiped out, but not a perfect certainty. The likelihood that any Grimm, possibly even the central one, could have escaped was not zero.

Sure, Jonathan could, in theory, find any and all Grimm around Vacuo, but that would have taken him weeks at best. Further, destroying them would have seriously strained his forces, and it did not at all guarantee that Jonathan would have destroyed all escaped Grimm, seeing that he couldn’t do anything if the Grimm decided to hide under the sands. Ensuring that no Grimm could be the leader Grimm responsible for creating a Super-horde would either have him monitoring the sand of Vacuo 24/7 or to destroy all Grimm on Remnant.

An endeavor in futility, in other words. If Jonathan could do such a feat, he might as well march over to Salem and get this over with. Assuming that killing Salem would result in the Grimm being wiped out. For all his luck, the Grimm could be the local equivalent of the Nephandi, and Salem was just controlling them.

“But when will Atlas's reinforcements arrive?” Jonathan finally asked, admitting that Ozpin’s plan would be the way to go. “The Grimm horde is only a couple of days away from Vacuo…”

“Within a day or two, I assure you.” Ozpin replied calmly. “Atlas’ forces have already been put on full alert and four battle fleets will depart for Vacuo tonight. It's difficult to calculate an exact time of their arrival, but they should be in place within twenty-four hours of departure.”

Jonathan frowned before clenching his fists, the prospect of waiting vexing him. "So… They will arrive in time for the attack on Vacuo?”

“A few hours before, at least." Ozpin took a sip from his mug, seeing the pained look on Jonathan’s face.

"Not ideal, but it's the best of all possible options. Atlas’ army are trained and already prepared for sweeping Grimm hordes, such missions are the bread and butter of Atlas' army. However, if you're willing to help, I think your participation could actually help considerably. But for obvious reasons, cooperating with a foreign kingdom's army and even participating as a combat unit under another general's command, would be iffy diplomatically at best. So, your participation is best kept secret, as is Summer's.”

At these words, Jonathan was forced to slowly bow his head in acknowledgement of their rightness. "Perhaps…”

And yet something seems missing, everything seems too perfect to be true.

Think, Jonathan, think!

Something made Jonathan frown. What is wrong? What is he missing?

Think, Jonathan. You like to over-analyze everything, don't you?

Jonathan thought for a second before he sighed, everything Ozpin was saying sounded logical…

Extremely logical…

Are you sure?

Jonathan frowned even more before he began to sink back into his thoughts again, trying to spell out the dialogue and their arguments in his head…

He really didn't have the strength to guarantee the complete annihilation of the Grimm horde, and the escaped Grimm could indeed cause trouble. It was also very likely that Atlas' army were better suited to destroy the Grimm horde and secure their encirclement.

But Atlas's army was only supposed to reach the city a few hours before the battle began! Which meant that…

“A few hours before the attack on Vacuo, the horde of Grimm would have already arrived at the walls of Vacuo, wouldn't they?” Jonathan suddenly narrowed his eyes, looking at Ozpin.

Ozpin, however, did not answer this question, only taking a slow sip from his mug, continuing to stare into Jonathan's eyes, without challenge but also without any other emotion discernible in his gaze, causing Jonathan to continue unfolding his thought.

“If even a small amount of Grimm were to get under the walls of Vacuo… It would provoke panic. And panic would attract even more Grimm, even ones that were not part of the Super-horde, wouldn't it?”

Ozpin did not respond, allowing Jonathan to continue speaking.

“But even then, not all those summoned by the panic in Vacuo will join into the Grimm horde, some will be too far away.” Jonathan turned his gaze to see Ozpin's expression, but Ozpin simply sipped quietly from his mug before he turned to the kettle to fill his mug again, his expression unchanged.

“Some Grimm will not make it in time, and some will even be stuck on the other side of the horde… So, even if Atlas succeeds in corralling and destroying the Super-horde, there will still be Grimm groups that threaten Vacuo and the surrounding settlements!”

Jonathan suddenly grasped the next thought, the picture it paints not at all rosy. "And that is only in the event that Atlas's army arrives on time, even only a few hours delay… And the entire Grimm horde could storm Vacuo, which would lead to even more panic and civilian casualties… No, even just the panic inside Vacuo from the approaching horde could provoke death among humans, I have seen how people react when a Super-horde appears…”

Shocked by the discovery, Jonathan was suddenly silent as he looked at Ozpin. At first, he expected a counter-argument, maybe an excuse or even an admission of wrongdoing, but… all he received was silence, Ozpin looking as calm as he did before.

Jonathan furrowed his brow, he looked at Ozpin, expecting a word from him, some kind of excuse or even reassurance. But Ozpin only continued to stare at him silently and there was a tense silence, lasting for a second, then for a dozen, and full minutes before Jonathan was ready to speak. “What’s to be done then?”

At these words, Ozpin only glanced at Jonathan, and Jonathan could see a shadow of emotion slipping into Ozpin's eyes that he could not discern. “I don't think I need to say anything else.”

Jonathan expected Ozpin to go on, to explain his reasoning, but instead he fell silent, causing Jonathan no small amount of surprise. “What do you mean you have ‘nothing to say’!? There would be an uncountable number of deaths, Ozpin!”

“It means that I have nothing more to say to you, my dear grandson.” Ozpin allowed an unexpectedly slight smile to form on his lips.

Jonathan, still not fully sure of what had happened, got up from behind his desk and with a flick of his fingers disappeared from Ozpin's office, leaving him alone sitting at his desk.


Ozpin poured some more cocoa into his mug before taking a sip.

Sadly, perhaps he too might have grown old and lost his former skills, or was it the effects of the time he'd spent in the past hundred years relaxing? Or was it because Ozpin had little practice with the other worlds' sorcerers? Then again, it’s not like there would be a lot of chances to practice that. Not that Ozpin knows Jonathan’s true identity in the first place.

That said, at least Ozpin was adept at admitting his mistakes, the current one included. Really, even with someone whose very perspective is literally alien, there were the same steps in convincing someone to do something.

First, it was necessary to determine what tactics worked best in a conversation with his chosen target.

Lies or half-truths were valid ones, but such methods were too reliant on Ozpin's personal status in the eyes of the speaker. Someone who does not trust Ozpin is less likely to believe his lies, looking to catch him on it at all chances, They might even find one! He’s immortal, not infallible after all. And therefore it was always necessary to assess their stance towards Ozpin before the conversation.

Perhaps the main reason why Ozpin failed was precisely this, Ozpin's false understanding of Jonathan Goodman's attitude.

Certainly the latter was a mage and a creature of another world, with unknown limits, powerful though vulnerable, yet understandable. Jonathan did behave as a man or faunus of his age is supposed to behave in Remnant. And in this case, Ozpin's aged perception played a cruel trick on him.

Normally having told, and, more importantly, proved, to a resident of Remnant that Ozpin had lived at least several thousand times as long as they had, Ozpin could then enjoy high status in their eyes. After all, entities that lived as long as Ozpin did were rare in Remnant, and few could say that they knew even one. Hence, why many ordinary people perceived him as some powerful, but more importantly, wise, if not mistake-free entity, which made them far more vulnerable to Ozpin and his words.

What Ozpin did not possess, however, was the information that Jonathan had been taught, in his time, to always be suspicious of powerful entities that had lived for thousands of years. Even more so, in fact, making Ozpin choose a somewhat inappropriate communication strategy.

Also, perhaps the problem was that Ozpin had somewhat underestimated Jonathan, assuming that he was too absorbed in his magic and royal duties to be well learned about the world. After all, even one of those was enough to keep any man occupied for more than a lifetime! He knows that firsthand, after all.

Ozpin therefore assumed that Jonathan therefore would not further take up the study of Grimm, at least in a much more profound sense than the commonplace understanding.

And it is certainly possible that Ozpin had projected his own qualities onto Jonathan, an issue that haunted even powerful millennial mages. By observing at length how he tried to avoid responsibility and hide from Salem, Ozpin ‘reasoned’ out that Jonathan had decided to fight Salem due to external pressures rather than a clear internal decision.

In the end, these factors led to Ozpin coming up with the wrong decision.

Ozpin preferred other strategies, one that is more beneficial long-term, with ‘long-term’ in this matter meaning multiple generations. The truth of the matter is, Ozpin was comfortable with some damages being done to Vacuo, in fact, if the whole government would collapse he wouldn’t be more pleased. After all, an incompetent ally, is worse than a competent enemy. Salem is nothing if not scarily competent, and a government choosing to put their heads in the sand when a super-horde were barreling down their throats, one that is not even bothering to hide, is the worst kind of incompetent.

Really, if not because it would alienate Jonathan, he would be advising him to simply stay put. But, because he was there, Ozpin had to come up with a plan. A logical and even humanitarian plan, a plan which would have satisfied Jonathan and his desire to save people. With a single stroke, he would have diverted the conversation away from Jonathan personally destroying the horde, to him instead saving lives. It would satisfy both his desire to remain on the periphery of the battle, while also helping with the destruction of the horde.

Ozpin wished that by looking at his status, Jonathan, like many, would accept the seemingly excellent, if not wise, compromise.

The problem, however, turned out to be that by opting for the tactic of logic and open truth, if not the whole truth, Ozpin had trapped himself where Jonathan was able to play with his own weapons. By using a hitherto unknown to Ozpin factor, Jonathan was able to prove the illogic of Ozpin's decisions, leaving him without the ability to further engage in logical and reasoned dialogue.

And that was certainly unfortunate.

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry… " Ozpin shook his head slightly.

His calculation was quite simple, but not to say, lacking in finesse.

Fighting the Vacuo horde in the first place was necessary for Ozpin to deprive James of his high-level support, but that wasn't all Ozpin was solving with one plan at all.

James made a foolish decision by placing troops into Mantle's territory, seriously damaging his image and reducing his support, after which, on Ozpin's advice, he arrested Jacques Schnee. However, Ozpin had correctly assessed his old friend’s personality, choosing to abandon James as he did something unimaginably stupid.

James, not daring to openly arrest Jacques on charges, especially before an impending operation so as not to provoke the public, did the far more dangerous thing. James arrested Jacques quietly, after which he refused to comment when Jacques Schnee stopped appearing in public, damaging his trustworthiness with the public and the upper crusts of Atlas, which was now full of fearful murmurs about the General's decision.

However, even having seriously damaged his position in society, the General still had some support and great prestige in the army as a competent, if stern, commander, who had repeatedly saved his soldiers from the most dangerous of adversity.

To deal a final blow to James Ironwood, it was necessary to deprive him of support from the last pillar of his power – the army. And what better way to do that than with a catastrophe against a Grimm horde?

James had to arrive not hours before the battle, but at the very moment of the outbreak, forcing his hand, not having time to fully assess the conditions of battle. Especially given that not all the information conveyed to him was entirely correct.

After all, the horde is not static and moving, and the Vacuo Council, which had never issued a general alarm for fear of growing panic, could not observe the location of the horde. Because of this fact, it would be perfectly natural to receive somewhat incorrect information in that case, even if the information was from Ozpin rather than anyone else… It’s only as expected, after all.

What would have followed would have been a chaotic and extremely deadly battle, possibly even with some friendly fire casualties! Ones that, according to the official version of the story, happened due to the chaos of the battlefield and several devastating Grimm strikes that would have claimed the lives of James' loyal officers in the first place. At least, that would be what the report would say.

In addition, the deaths of some Vacuo civilians, a small but notable number, in addition to the late arrival of Atlas’ army would be devastating. An army whose time of arrival would have been announced in advance, would have had a disastrous effect on James Ironwood, inside and outside of Atlas. Why, it might permanently cut him off from any support in Atlas, which would have made the subsequent coup, or revolution, virtually painless.

Also, the amount of deaths would be a small price to pay for Vacuo remembering that the threat comes not only from within, but also from outside the city. Maybe it would even make them return once again to their past readiness against Grimm. That such an event would also have tied Theodore, who had gone to Ozpin for help with his resolution against dust mining in Vacuo? It would prove detrimental to Remnant’s Dust supply. Something that could have undermined Atlas, instead turning into a strength for them, something that would increase protest moods in Mantle…

Of course, the horde would have been destroyed at the end, but the damage would already have been done, not to mention the other things that it would have entailed.

For example, if the battle for Vacuo had actually turned out to be a success, it would have been extremely effective to reveal Jonathan's involvement, at least in terms of popularity. A king sent to help the peaceful people of another kingdom, desperately fighting the Grimm hordes. This time with the help of the mighty Atlas’ army, and the famous huntress of Vale, leader of the famous STRQ team, destroying the enemy all together. It would have been a publicity coup, such a strong message to all the newspapers and broadcasts of the world for the next month.

Or he would be withholding such any information about them, should the battle for Vacuo prove disastrous.

In addition, an unsuccessful battle would definitely provoke a reaction with Jonathan, perhaps might even move him more under Ozpin's wing. Which would blame the failure on James’s shoulders, whose subordinates would arrive in bad shape and at an unfortunate moment. It would also simultaneously fuel Summer’s determination. While no, Ozpin did not enjoy causing misery, but every plan required using his capabilities at a hundred percent, that also includes understanding the consequences of his choices. Had Ozpin not held this point of view, he would have never contributed to forming Summer’s personality… or even hiding Jonathan's abilities from Salem's view, or rather, hidden Salem from Jonathan.

Certainly, Jonathan could claim what thousands of others had claimed before him, that he would not be swayed by whatever it is Salem offered. But Salem knew how to get what she wanted… Jonathan was too powerful to allow him to remain neutral, and too dangerous to allow the very possibility of him defecting to the enemy.

But one mistake had been made, yet, at least, he had not made it worse

Ozpin took a sip from his cup before setting it aside.

He would need to change a lot of plans…


Jonathan appeared in his room before leaning on his cane and taking a step towards the bed, sitting down on it.

What… What did he even mean!?

Does it really matter that much?

Jonathan left his cane beside him, looking at the wall.

He lied to me… Why?

Do I have to tell you one? Or a thousand possible reasons?

He does… He does understand the consequences, doesn't he?!

I suppose even better than you…

Jonathan tried to fit Ozpin's words with his calm, not cold and not even detached expression as he pretty much sentenced people, ordinary civilians, to death. But his calm gaze and with his words, his decisions…

Ozpin didn't look cold, instead he seemed so…


When you have lived through thousands of years of war with other millennials, where the battlefield is an entire world, your mind changes. Irreversibly, even if slowly, it changes.


Jonathan felt the two parts of his personality engage in a struggle.

Yes, it is inhuman. Yes, it is logical. Yes, it's effective. Yes, it's bad. So what's next? What is the right thing to do in this case?

Jonathan tried to contain the storm of emotions and thoughts raging in his head and in his heart.

We are the king of our state, and we must help it. And he is the king of his own state, of all Remnant. And he's protecting it, sacrificing the little to save the multitude, what exactly don't you like? That someone hasn't told you the whole truth, hasn't laid out on a silver platter every one of the dozens of reasons and consequences of this decision?

A knock on the door made Jonathan shift his gaze to the door before he frowned. “Who is it?”

“Jonathan?” The speaker's voice didn't belong to Summer, no, it belonged to… Cinder?

Jonathan blinked before looking around. Heh, really… He had teleported back to his room, not in Vacuo, but in Glenn, leaving Summer sitting in her room in confusion all alone.

“You can come in," Jonathan replied, before exhaling.

And after only getting hit, running off with his tail between his legs to lick his wounds… what a great role model you make, Jonathan.

Cinder appeared on the doorstep, and though she kept her emotions under control, Jonathan knew Cinder too well not to notice the slight agitation in her gaze when she found Jonathan home, before he was supposed to show up here. An agitation that only intensified when she looked at him.

Under other circumstances, Jonathan might have said that he was fine, but Jonathan knew that would sound like the stupidest and most obvious lie in the world right now, so he chose to simply remain silent. Cinder, having clearly analyzed the thought process currently reigning in Jonathan's mind, made her way over to him before silently taking a seat beside him.

A moment later, Jonathan felt the warmth of her hands on his body, after which, Cinder hugged him tighter, causing him to squeeze out a forced smile.

So what's next, Jonathan?

Jonathan exhaled, hugging Cinder in his arms.

If he had just told me…  I know I've made so many bad decisions, I could even understand why he would do it… It wasn't that hard to see, after all…

Jonathan, why would he even have to answer to you?

Cinder, feeling Jonathan tense up a little, hugged him tighter, causing Jonathan to look down at the top of the girl who was hugging him.

He has tens of thousands of reasons not to believe you, not to trust you, to keep secrets, why do you think that in your case he is obliged to make an exception?

Jonathan hugged Cinder harder, covering his eyes and resting his chin on the top of the girl's head…


Because what?


Because, because… Will you stop repeating yourself? Can’t you even listen, you…

Jonathan suddenly opened his eyes, pulling away from Cinder as if struck by lightning.

Thoughts coursed through his mind, but they couldn't reach his consciousness, turning into flashes of thought, spilling out in meaningless bursts of neurons inside his skull before…

A smile appeared on his face.


And as if a single word was the most powerful spell, suddenly, the pile of thoughts inside Jonathan's mind extinguished, before returning again with a single question.


Jonathan glanced at Cinder, looking at him in confusion, before repeating his realization to himself.

No, I will not.


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