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Of course, the great Wizard of Camelot, Merlin, existed in YGGDRASIL, Ainz even had a hand in killing him during the siege of Camelot. He didn't fight him personally of course, the great wizard had fallen victim to Ulbert and Tabula, who decided to attack his personal tower and library during the raid and steal all possible resources and artifacts from it. 

But, during the preparation for the raid on Camelot, Ainz had become well acquainted with Merlin. Not to mention the past meeting with him during Mordred’s quest line, it was simply Ainz following Punnito’s advice to ‘know your enemy by’.

The Merlin in YGGDRASIL was the typical ‘wise teacher’ or ‘powerful ancient wizard’ archetype. Even an instructor for several of the classes that the human races could take. A dealer of many quests, and generally a very positive NPC from the Human Players' point of view, capable of giving small in-game hints and even hints on other quests. The existence of such an NPC, given the inexplicable sadism and pettiness of the developers, was even a bit of an anomaly. An actually helpful NPC? Must be a trap.

Only the trap was never sprung.

Because of this, almost regularly, YGGDRASIL players raised the topic of speculation as to the real reason for Merlin's help. Whether he could have been a traitor, or maybe asking him for help closed the way to the fulfillment of some special quest chains, the Players could see the Developers doing so quite easily. 

But after much discussion, most of the Players came to the conclusion that Merlin existed primarily as a mockery of the players of non-human races that were deprived of the opportunity to interact with him.

Also, quite possible.

In any case, the Merlin of YGGDRASIL was best known for three things. His assistance to Players, his magical powers, and his appearance as an old, gray-haired wizard with long hair, a long beard, and a carved, powerful staff, wearing a simple but distinctly stylish gray-and-silver robe.

In other words, the only similarity the Merlin of Yggdrasil has with the Merlin he’s seeing right now, was that they have the same gender. 

Though seeing his floofiness and androgynous features, he could be mistaken there too.

“Merlin?! He’s here!? Where?!” As if to confirm his words, Arthur instantly spun in place, swiping her gaze over the Merlin before her eyes. She tried to look behind the feminine man’s back, trying to find the figure of the mighty elder archmage before her.

Confused, Arthur looked at the figure of this world Merlin’s, and couldn’t help but voice her question with unmasked disappointment.  “That!? That is supposed to be Merlin?!”

Mashu and Alturia, however, paid no attention to Arthur's disdain filled words and Ainz's moment of confusion. In a few moments, they had crossed the distance separating them and Merlin, fully intent of delivering violent justice. 

To which the Merlin reacted as only a man could react in such circumstances. He tried to run away, ‘tried’ being the operative word.

Before he could even take three steps, his flowing robes proved to be his downfall, as his feet got tangled with it, letting out some strange sounds as he fell. 

Now, in a vulnerable position and unable to escape, the supposed greatest mage of Camelot put up his hands above his face, and cried out, pleading in a rather pathetic voice. 

“Not in the face! Not in the face!”

Alturia and Mashu, having reached Merlin, however, did not proceed to beat him up, instead standing above him with expressions that clearly do not promise anything good for Merlin. But, despite his expressed fears, the two hadn’t proceeded to beat the heck out of him. 

Merlin, realizing that he wasn’t currently being beaten, finally lowered his hands and took a look at the two, who looked unsure on what to do now. Seeing that it was not a trap to lull him into a position of false safety, Merlin adopted the most graceful look while lying on his back on the floor.

“I mean, how glad I am to meet you!”

Merlin's smile, however, worked in complete contrast to his expectations, and Alturia, who had been calm up to that point, still couldn't stand his words and stamped the sole of her boot into Merlin's side. Obviously not with all her strength, but enough to convey her displeasure to those, and to deliver an appropriate amount of pain without breaking anything.


“Ouch, why?!” Merlin grasped his side in pain, before looking up at Alturia with a look of such genuine sadness that Ainz instantly realized something. Merlin understood perfectly well ‘why’ he had just been stomped on, and even why he might be seeing more violence in the future.

“You didn't let me die!” Alturia, however, decided to clarify Merlin's sins aloud by kicking him again, on the ribs this time. 

“That's why I survived! If you'd just let me die, that entire Singularity wouldn't even have been born!”

“Ouch, it's not me, it's Bedivere! He didn't throw the sword away!” Merlin tried to defend himself against Alturia's words, leaving Ainz befuddled. How? Isn’t history supposed to be fixed, and they’re in the past besides, so how could Merlin know something like that!? 

“I had nothing to do with it!”

“But you could still have prevented it!” Ainz watched as Merlin tried to roll away from the kicks, a very disappointing sight to see from the great wizard. Of course, his rolling had caused him to go on a crash course to Mashu.

Merlin immediately tried to appeal to her rationality, to perhaps gain some space from the incensed Alturia. “Girl, I've never met you before! You’re a knight, right? So please protect this weak mage!”

“I know I have no problem with you,” Mashu replied calmly, making Merlin rejoice for a moment before Mashu’s next words cut off this fragile hope. "But try explaining that to Galahad!"

Merlin’s eyes widened in surprise and fear as he realized that he had just gone from the frying pan into the fire.

“Erm, ahem… I apologize?” Merlin, after a moment's thought, attempted an apologetic smile, but the attempt seemed unconvincing even to Ainz's eyes, not to mention Mashu herself. Who momentarily relinquished control of her body to Galahad to repeat Alturia's actions and began kicking Merlin as well.

Galahad seemed to make sure to aim for the most painful places, judging by the pitying cries of pain from Merlin.

Ainz, deciding to let his Servants spend their frustrations on Merlin, shifted his gaze back to Siduri, who didn't seem at all surprised by the actions of the two girls? Is this something that is commonplace? 

Whatever the reason, she wasn’t about to interfere as Merlin was beaten black and blue, even as he’s supposed to hold a high position in Gilgamesh’s kingdom. Instead, Siduri seemed more interested in keeping an eye on Ozymandias, and Ainz himself, though in two different senses. 

While looking at Ozymandias, Siduri was clearly aware of who he was and how Siduri should deal with him in the future, more like an attentive butler or maid, looking to see to pre-empt any requests. At Ainz, Siduri was clearly assessing him, trying to examine him from all angles. However, when Ainz looked at her, Siduri averted her gaze and disguised her rapt attention, to disguise it in a smile that is rather friendly. 

“Is there anything I can do for you?” Ainz himself simply responded with a nod in response, ignoring the grains of pain from Merlin as Mashu and Alturia continued heaping beating at him. 

“Yes, I apologize, but why is Gilgamesh…”

Noticing the way a small wrinkle passed between Siduri's eyebrows after Ainz addressed her king casually without any honorifics, Ainz decided to correct himself a bit. “That his Majesty didn't answer all the questions regarding the current situation in this world…?”

“His Majesty is an incredibly busy man, so you can't blame him for not being able to answer all of your questions, and Merlin will actually be able to answer most of them…” Siduri glanced at the figures of the two girls who were now mocking the figure of the magi heaped on the ground, before nodding to Ainz. 

“After he is able to answer any questions at all.”

Momonga cast a glance at Merlin after those words, then to observe the two knights' attempt to deal with the magi, then turned towards Siduri only to see Arthur talking with Siduri instead.

Arthur was not massive in the true sense of the word, but the fact that she was perhaps the most prominent paladin of YGGDRASIL was reflected in her appearance. Even with her lithe figure, her resolute posture and overwhelming aura made her look much larger than Siduri, which made her seem like she was looming over her. 

Siduri, however, accustomed to Gilgamesh, did not even take a step back, raising her gaze to Arthur, while keeping a serene smile on her face. Perhaps it was due to her professionalism, to simply show that she wasn’t intimidated, or perhaps actually showing hope for understanding.

“So, monsters and the goddess of monsters, not something serious enough, sure?” Arthur glanced at Angrboda, who was currently examining her nails, totally bored with all the humans talking, as if trying to distract herself from the people swarming around her with all her might. 

“Why aren't the people training at the moment? Or even form a militia? Where is the army? The military convoys? The logistical chains?”

“I apologize… Lady.” Siduri glanced at Arthur, clearly realizing she never got her name, before still replying politely to the Servant, even if her questioning was a bit rude. “The situation is under control at the moment, however, I'm sure His Majesty will be pleased to know that you are worried about the safety of his kingdom…”

“I don't care about the kingdom, I care about the people.” Arthur wrinkled her face a little at hearing Siduri’s response, Arthur cared little for a kingdom that is not Camelot, the people however… As a Paladin, it is her duty.

“In the course of our journey here we have seen two public squares with entertainment acts being performed there and a dozen shops, but not a single training camp. Even if the average human can't destroy any monsters, at least they could be taught first aid or put to work to ensure their own defense. Even a moat and fence might prove useful in these conditions…”

“As His Majesty's First Assistant, I am pleased to see a keen interest in the city’s safety and well-being… However, I think His Majesty's methods of governance are His Majesty's prerogative.” Siduri smiled a little wider, making Ainz realize that the display of her smile was not a show of friendliness at the moment, but of aggression. Judging from the look that Siduri was giving Ainz at this moment, pretty much signaling that he should reign Arthur in, he was right in his assessment.

“That's enough, Arthur.” Ainz, placing a hand on Arthur's shoulder to ask her to stand down, causing to glare at him before taking half a step back, shrugging her shoulders, shoving his hand off of him. “We are guests here, it is not our place to give orders here, much less on the running of another's kingdom.”

However, despite Ainz's words and his reluctance to engage in conflict at the moment, he couldn't help but see the rational grain in Arthur's words. He may not have wanted to point out to other people the errors in their way of governance, but he also couldn't help but think about the current situation. After all, indeed, training the people could save their lives later on. 

Besides, judging by the fact that some of Gilgamesh’s soldiers were still continuing to fight against the monsters on the walls, didn't they need food, swords or whatever? So why are his people not working overtime to produce that? While food is limited by time, there is still land not consumed by the black sea, so why are they still not planted with food? Or why are the artisan and craftsmen not creating weapons and armors 24/7? 

Yes, perhaps such a city wouldn't look so happy and peaceful under the current circumstances, but wasn't such a sacrifice in the face of probable complete annihilation, worth it?

The thought made Ainz want to speak, but hesitated for a second, before Ozymandias broke the silence himself. “Siduri, hmm? Where exactly did the golden boy go?”

“Your Majesty, His Majesty Gilgamesh has left to deal with matters of national importance.” Siduri, instantly changing her attitude into one that is more accommodating and subservient, made Ainz inwardly resent such discrimination. 

She tilted her head slightly to face Ozymandias. “Do you wish to continue your meeting with him? I'm afraid it will be impossible under the current circumstances…”

“Hmm, matters of state distract the golden boy from honoring the Pharaoh of Pharaohs! Truly, how pitiful is the King of Heroes that the King of Kings himself has to extend his patronage and walk to visit him!” For a moment, Ainz thought that Ozymandias would do something sensible and waited until Gilgamesh finished his duties.

“Take me to him at once.” Ozymandias hummed loudly, making Ainz, after a moment's reflection, come to the conclusion that this was not a bad way out of the current situation. Apparently, Ozymandias was the one who understood Gilgamesh best, and besides, having his own Servant near a potential ally was not a bad thing. 

Siduri looked at Ainz, as if she was asking him if it was okay for Ozymandias to leave, it seems that whatever duties that Gilgamesh was undertaking were serious. It’s also nice to have his status as the Master recognized, so he put Siduri back up a few notches.

So, after a moment of deliberation, Ainz nodded to Siduri, causing the latter to respond instantly.

“Of course, Your Majesty, His Majesty will be glad to have your patronage.” Siduri bowed momentarily, then took a few steps away, forcing Ozymandias to quickly follow after her.

Ainz, looking at the departing Siduri and Ozymandias, was distracted from watching them a moment later by Jacques' voice, who had remained silent until this point. “Surprising, hmm…”

Glancing at Jacques, Ainz was quite surprised to see that the Crusader was deep in thought, as she looked at Siduri's departing figure. She had been acting quite strange ever since they entered Uruk. 

“A loyal follower of Gilgamesh… Perhaps Siduri is simply a faithful servant of Gilgamesh, I admit that such a possibility is extant, but to show no worries at all? Unbelievable. All humans are fundamentally and ridiculously the same. They fear death, seek pleasure, and believe in the nearest, and easiest ideals that come before their eyes… Yet here, in this world, in Gilgamesh’s kingdom? They are not concerned about imminent doom, even while they are fighting monsters, they have a relaxed atmosphere amidst the ongoing Apocalypse, feasting even during a plague…”

Jacques shook her head in a sympathetic way, murmuring something unintelligible.

“Do you think Gilgamesh is controlling them in some way?” Ainz glanced at Jacques, visualizing such a picture in his head. Ainz himself could pull off something similar, but not on such a large scale, and doing so would probably lead to problems that would surely follow trying to use charm magic on such a large contingent of followers.

“Yes… However, not in the sense of magecraft.” Ainz hackles were raised for a moment, when he heard the confirmation from Jacques, only to drop it a moment later and became confused instead as she continued. 

“If I were to use a part of my Noble Phantasm, with the Dark Mother's blessing, I could absorb most of Gilgamesh's followers, directing their thoughts in the direction I want… However, Gilgamesh directs and commands such great loyalty that his people could smile in the face of extinction with a smile on their face, without using magecraft. Or at least not the kind of magecraft that could easily be called so.” 

What the heck, that’s some scary skill, Jacques!? Ainz knows that religion is scary, but what kind of brainwashing skill is that? And Gilgamesh has something that could compare to a Noble Phantasm, but is also not a skill? Is it a World Class Ite…

“Gilgamesh only uses his personal charisma to sway the people under his command.” 

Oh… That was disappointing.

“But at what point does a charisma that has reached inhuman heights cease to be considered something normal and reach the realm of something unnatural or even mind control? It seems to me that Gilgamesh crossed that line long ago and doesn't even seek to control it. Or, more likely, having realized it, sees nothing wrong with it.”

Hearing such an assessment, Ainz was deep in thought for a moment. A personal charisma that so far overstepped the bounds of the possible that it could itself be seen as a magical influence, a curse of mind control… What a scary thought.

Ainz himself wouldn’t speak too harshly on it, it’s not like Gilgamesh could control his own Charisma, after all. After all, having a high Charisma is much lesser in scope of destruction when compared to Ainz’s strange luck, one that is hellbent in making Ainz experience ‘unique’ events in his life. A luck that affected everyone around him, changing the fate of his Servants beyond his personal will. 

But he could still ponder the implications of Gilgamesh’s Charisma from an outsider's perspective. 

Charisma of such magnitude that Gilgamesh's followers always followed his lead and words as if they’re under mind control… Definitely, such an ability made ruling a nation a much easier endeavor, but if Gilgamesh made a mistake and accidentally took a wrong turn, allowing the people to fall into the abyss after him?

There would also be no one that would be able to stop him.

Gilgamesh looked like a man full of self-confidence, so much so that he quite possibly did not even think about the fact that he might one day make a mistake. He perhaps didn't even worry that his mistake could ruin thousands and millions of his followers’ lives! 

But Ainz was a completely different case. In fact, they couldn’t be more diametrically different in that regard.

Ainz constantly, repeatedly worried about making mistakes, considering his actions, and decisions to perhaps a ridiculous degree. He always worried that he, as the boss, would make a mistake in his actions, it was in fear of such an outcome that Ainz worried about the possible mindless following of his subordinates by relying on his ‘incredible plan’.

In other words, Ainz's way of thinking and Gilgamesh's were complete opposites, causing Ainz to view Gilgamesh as his ‘natural enemy’. Not in the sense of someone he had to destroy at the first opportunity, but in the sense of someone with whom Ainz could find no contact and understanding… Then again, they had just met, so maybe the guy could show some hidden depths like Ozymandias did.

Shaking off these thoughts, Ainz turned his attention back to the ‘Sage of Camelot’. Only to find that he was curled up in a fetal position, his robe now full of boot prints, with a satisfied looking Alturia and Mashu standing over him.

“Are you done?”

“Mostly” Alturia gave a triumphant glance at Merlin's prostrated figure and exhaled before taking a step back, allowing Ainz to see to Merlin’s well-being. It wouldn’t do to have their new ally too injured to share the important information, after all.

Huh, the guy is still conscious… What a surprise, by the end there, the two hadn’t really held back most of their strength in the kicks.

“Well, now that undeserved beating is over!” Merlin, still lying on the ground, gave the two girls a resentful look, then, taking it for granted that they were no longer going to abuse his body, got up off the ground. Running his finger in the air, a wind blew the dust and boot prints off of his robes, grumbling loudly for all to hear. 

"Why did I bother coming out from Avalon? So much for helping humanity…"

Ainz glanced at Angrboda, if the Merlin of this world wasn't human like his role in YGGDRASIL, it was strange to see how uncaring the mother of monsters was about his beating. But Angrboda only shook her head slightly. “He’s Half-human, so if he deserved this beating from your Servants, dear, then I'm not going to interfere with what's going on.”

Ainz, not quite sure if Merlin had actually deserved such a beating, just shrugged, trusting Alturia and Mashu's judgment. Though now that that’s over with, he could now ask Merlin about the information he wanted. “Hmm, Merlin… Gilgamesh said that you could tell more about the current situation than he could.”

For some reason, though, Merlin seemed to give him an aggrieved look as he stood up?

“I thought the physical beating was supposed to start after you ask a question and I can't answer it! Or was that just ‘preparation’ so I don't try to withhold information?!” Despite the indignation in Merlin's voice, it did not escape Ainz’s notice the way the magus’ eyes gleamed with insincerity and glee. Making Ainz wonder if Merlin was just masochistic, he knows full well that such a remark would tick off the two… No, it’s not that he enjoys feeling pain, he just wants to elicit a reaction from the two?

What a strange man, and it seems that the two were familiar with his antics, and so decided not to rise to the provocation.

“Eh, well, at least I’m still the reliable older brother I ever was! So of course I would share everything I know!” Merlin rolled his eyes, before suddenly cracking a smile of his own, causing some elusive irritation in Ainz's mind to appear from observing the lackadaisical attitude, as if he hadn't been lying on the ground a few seconds ago. 

“Ah, but if you've already decided to ask me any questions, I'd be happy to answer all of them!”

Looking at that smile for a moment, Ainz thought about the fact that the clues from this Merlin might not have been at all as reliable and true as Merlin's clues in Yggdrasil.


A few minutes later, Ainz and his Servants, except Ozymandias, who had followed Siduri in Gilgamesh's palace, followed Merlin into a nearby building that Merlin himself had called an ‘embassy’. Though Ainz had no idea exactly what kind of function and ‘embassy’ still have in the effectively destroyed world, and settled to hear the details about this Singularity than what Gilgamesh had informed them.

Angrboda, sitting on Ainz's right hand, continued to glare at Merlin, as if not quite sure how she should treat the half-breed across from her. While the girls huddled on either side of Merlin, as they continued to glare at him, as if ready to deliver as much meanness as possible to their supposed ally and friend. Arthur and Jacques, however, were much calmer, sitting down on the remaining seats as they slowly sipped the strange local analog of tea, waiting for Merlin's story.

“So!” Merlin, after just barely waiting for anyone to get situated, spoke loudly, drawing attention to himself. He completely ignored the stares of the two girls who had been kicking him on the ground only ten minutes before, giving a wink at Ainz. “How can Brother Merlin help you this time?”

Ainz was embarrassed by such words, certainly not romantically, as he was just surprised by Merlin's strange manners, but he pulled himself together and started asking Merlin what he wanted to know. “We have already received information that Tiamat has consumed this world… But no other details, and if we want to even have a hope of fixing that, we would need more information.”

“I would be very happy to share that with you, but I'm afraid I have much more information to go on other than what His Majesty has said.” Merlin shrugged his shoulders as he said these words, 

“Tiamat, the original mother of all life, perhaps the most powerful deity of ancient Babylonia and mother of all, has consumed the world with the darkness it spawns. A darkness that spawns millions of monsters every day that attack the city-states of Babylonia, each time these attacks are repulsed by the army led by the Gilgamesh’s generals. All in all, this information pretty much summarizes the current situation.”

At Alturia's glance, obviously expecting Merlin to tell not everything he knows, Merlin was silent for a second and then his face brightened as if he had just remembered another random interesting fact about the current situation.“Oh yes, and there are two Goddesses within the state of Gilgamesh, Real Goddesses, Divine Spirit Core and all I mean…”

And then he stopped speaking, not divulging the identity of the Goddesses, something that is very important.

Really, this is now feeling like pulling teeth, with Merlin smiling like butter wouldn’t melt on his lips. Ainz had to fight the instinct of just siccing Mashu and Alturia on Merlin again. Deciding to humor the man, Ainz continued to ask for clarification. 

“Which goddesses?”

“The strong ones!” Merlin replied with his annoying smile, only correcting himself when Mashu summoned her shield, and glared at Merlin, promising only pain. “I mean former goddesses from the Alliance of the Three Goddesses!”

What! How is that information of any use!

“The Alliance of the Three Goddesses?” Ainz raised his eyebrow a little higher, feeling his blood begin to boil slowly, as he began silent casting some torture spell, or perhaps even allowing Alturia to use her spear.

Merlin, detecting the naked threat of brutal beating, continued with a small tinge of panic.

“Yes, there used to be the Alliance of the Three Goddesses in Babylonia, but it fell apart because one of the Goddesses turned out to be a Beast!” Merlin smiled even wider, knowing that while he seemingly was giving some information, it was in a way that would only create more questions and not actually give actionable intelligence.

Ainz, in response, slowly sucked in air, then exhaled slowly and glanced at Angrboda, who, glancing back, squinted at Merlin and licked her lips. “Come to think of it, half-breeds are pretty rare, I've never had the chance to taste one in all my long years of life…”

Merlin's smile faded a little after these words, losing its braggadocio gloss of a man satisfied with how his prank had gone so well, now realizing that the dog he was aggravating had slipped out of its leash. Turning his gaze to Angrboda, Merlin could see that she was completely serious. 

“Mommy, don't joke like that, please! Otherwise, I'm getting really, really scared…”

“Mommy?” The single word, however, caused Ainz to raise a finger Merlin’s way, a spell already prepared to be fired should Ainz want to, causing Merlin to freeze, as every instinct warned him that his life hangs in the balance. And only because if he didn’t do so, Merlin would already be killed by Angrboda.

“Speak up.” Ainz only needed to speak the two words to make Merlin nod his head up and down vigorously.

Angrboda was indeed the mother of monsters, and so very doting on her ‘offsprings’, and while being half monster, Merlin might be able to adopt such a title, Angrboda hadn’t accepted him as her ‘son’. And so, claiming such a title by calling Angrboda ‘Mother’, Merlin had stepped on a landmine, as he pretty much had insulted all of Angrboda’s children indirectly.

Merlin looked at Ainz's fingers pointed at him, ready to use an appropriate spell that would kill him but not damage the surroundings, that’s pretty rude after all. And with death so close by, this time his smile was tinged with genuine worry. 

“Oops, ha ha, I think I accidentally said something wrong! Oh, my chatty tongue is always giving me trouble…”

Despite the joking tone and big smile on Merlin's face, his eyes flashed with deadly seriousness for a moment before he slowly and carefully controlled his movements. Reaching out his hand and stopping it a few centimeters away from Ainz' hands without touching them, he then lowered his hand and watched with obvious relief as Ainz also slowly lowered his hand.

Seeing that his joke had perhaps gone too far, this time Merlin talked with the appropriate amount of seriousness.

“Don't do that, please? My death could lead to various… Unintended consequences, and I think it would be very counterproductive for the saviors of the world, who have already dealt with six, or seven, Singularities in a row to doom it now…”

Ainz didn't even react to Merlin's words, without any further information from him, he already knew that Merlin knew far more about Chaldea than an outside observer would have guessed. So Ainz just looked into Merlin’s eyes, expressionless, not giving the Wizard the opportunity to try to play on Ainz's nerves any further, especially given the futility of such a fact. 

“How?” As in, how did he know about the information that is only known to Chaldea, how did he spy without getting caught by Ainz.

“Ah, that cute little beast, Fou… On Avalon, he was a much nicer and fluffier guy, but ever since I politely encouraged him to get acquainted with the world outside Avalon, he has deteriorated in the most disgusting way and has completely stopped paying attention to this big brother of humanity!” Merlin shook his head feigning distress as he exhaled, causing Ainz to think seriously about an extremely important question.

‘Who is Fou?!’ Ainz barely refrained from asking out loud and frowned, trying to recall a Servant with that name… Or maybe it was someone from the surviving staff of Chaldea? Ainz didn't socialize with them, and for the most part, they generally tried to stay as far away from Servants and magical affairs as possible, preferring to fill their time with work and socializing with each other. But Ainz had at least seen a couple of them in the corridors of Chaldea, hurrying about their business. 

And none of them, as far as Ainz remembered, were named Fou… On the other hand, how would Ainz know that as a fact, given how Ainz himself barely remembered the names of the scientists and technicians he met?

Weird way for Merlin to describe the guy though, is it someone heavily bearded?

“Fou?! Little furry animal?!” Mashu's words caused a ping of thought to appear on the surface of Ainz's mind, it was another clue? Causing him to sink deep into his thoughts before he remembered that he had once seen a small chimera in Chaldea long ago, seemingly years ago now…  After which it had fled and Ainz had not even remembered that it existed in the first place.

“Oh, he looks small and fluffy, but in reality, Cath Palug is a hideous Beast!” Merlin responded to Mashu's words with a smile and enthusiasm, as if he was only too happy to disrupt Mashu's perception of Fou before he frowned. “What else would you expect from a Beast, even if he failed to become one in reality…?”

“Cath Palug?!” This time it was Arthur that turned her gaze to Merlin, raising her eyebrows upwards. "The monstrous cat, a monster that devours armies!”

These words made Ainz recognize where he had heard the name before. A Cath Palug existed in YGGDRASIL, there’s even a drop of it in Nazarick's treasury, his skin… Three copies of it, the last time he remembered seeing the list of items in the Treasury. Wasn’t there someone that wanted to use it to make some kind of Armor, but didn't have time…? Peroroncino, perhaps?

“Yes, that's him!” Merlin smiled as he snapped his finger and pointed Arthur’s way, the smile on his face a vicious one, the noise causing Ainz to snap out of his musings. 

“And it was only thanks to the help of a nice and very humble magus of flowers, that Fou never became a Beast and therefore didn't quite become Cath Palug… Well, in that case wouldn't I be the most wonderful ally for all of humanity!”

“A Beast?” This time it was Angrboda that cast a suspicious glance at Merlin, her previous rage quickly forgotten… Well, not really, as she then threateningly and warningly ran her finger across the table, leaving a small but very noticeable scratch on the table with her fingernail.

“Certainly the Beast, the very cancer of civilization that the Heroic Spirits were created to destroy!” Merlin replied again with a big smile, as if speaking of common knowledge.

Ainz, in turn, also turned his gaze to Merlin and crossed his arms, unimpressed by how Merlin had once again diverted the conversation, making Merlin’s smile to fade again for a moment. And then, with a fake cough, Merlin leaned back in his chair and resettled the conversation, adopting a serious outlook once again. 

“Many people usually accuse me of being fond of confusing people and saying completely different things from what they want to hear. Of course I am completely blameless against such dirty insinuations! I assure you that I speak with exceptional clarity of mind and solely focus on the matter at hand…”

Seeing that another spell had appeared on Ainz’s finger, Merlin hurried along and got to his point, finally.

Ainz could now understand why Alturia and Mashu had been kicking him like a rag doll, the only language that Merlin understands is violence.

“But if my current audience doesn't want to make small talk to the most trusted big brother in the whole world, then fine, I'll make an exception, just this once!” Merlin grinned, and clapped his hands together once more, loudly and jokingly.

“And I will begin my story with the creation of human civilization!”

A Fireball shouldn’t kill him, right?


Micheal Scott

Merlin, perhaps, might just be peak

alassandro (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 15:49:55 Merlin may as well be a guy go so swimming in piranha infested waters while holding fresh cuts of meat for all the favors he is doing to himself.
2024-03-29 15:05:07 Merlin may as well be a guy who goes swimming in piranha infested waters while holding fresh cuts of meat for all the favors he is doing to himself.

Merlin may as well be a guy who goes swimming in piranha infested waters while holding fresh cuts of meat for all the favors he is doing to himself.


Jo Jo kicking Merlin