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I had hoped to finish her by the end of the month, but I hadn't realized how much I still needed to learn about all the different software I'd be using. Through a lot of trial and error I think I figured out the best way to go about getting her in VAM at the highest quality that will still work well with the software. The move to Blender has been a huge boon as I can work much faster at much higher fidelity, with fewer polys.

These pics are some renders I did in Cycles of the high res model I'll be baking textures from. I added some shaders to help me visualize things better (and it just looks cooler). I get more done in a week now than I was in a month before so I plan to finish this phase in a couple weeks. Then the next phases hopefully wont take too long. That's stuff I'm more familiar with than baking and sculpting.

Since the model VAM uses is fairly low poly I can't just make her body have all the details as geometry, and trying to make lots of clothing items hanging off her for 3d bits doesn't quite work right for her. So, her body will consist of a sculpt of the genesis 2 body to match my high res model as closely as possibly, and then bake the normals from the high res model onto the low res which should do the trick. Early tests are promising, though those images aren't the most exciting to look at. I attached a pic of one of those tests anyway.

Thanks so much to anyone who is supporting me! Your patronage fuels me.



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