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As much as I want to be writing, work and other things keep getting in the way. Some of it is my fault in not prioritizing writing, or my ambition outpacing my ability (as in, my ideas for stories become too much for me to get done before I miss a day, and then it's hard to pick up from where I left off).

To help fight this, and to make sure I have more material for you guys (and gals?), I want to do more short-short stories, things clocking in at 1K or so. I did it before with the Vore-pocalypse stories, and the reaction to that seemed positive.

My only rule is that I'll need at least 3,000 words of material bundled together for each post, so that means I need ideas. I'm going to lay out a couple scenarios I have in mind and I am inviting you to suggest specific scenes I can write for those scenarios. (I'll also be posting this on dA this evening in case there isn't much response here, but I want to give my patrons first crack at it).

1) A weight gain setting in the same vein as my last story, Beta Tester. The premise: a magic spell allows some people to make food appear out of thin air. The food is as delicious as possible, making it hard (if not impossible) to resist. Not everyone can do this, but everyone is aware of magic and the spell itself, as well as those who can perform it. This can be either male or female gain.

2) Booty expansion set in my Body Shop 'verse. I already have one or two ideas (depending on how long each is) about a pair of sisters that get their butts inflated before going to Brazil, but it's not enough to qualify as a full story. So I need one, maybe two more ideas about women modding their butts bigger.

3) A female muscle growth story where all the young women in a town, maybe the adult women as well, are naturally gifted at bodybuilding. Even those who aren't interested in working out, which is most of them, are just bursting with energy and they're compelled to work out regularly. I have the start of one idea involving a bookworm student who tries to keep studying even while working out. Maybe her attempts to make her visits to the gym as efficient as possible (to minimize her time there) end up making her bigger than most other girls. But again, I need more ideas.

4) Another weight gain setting, this time in Hesper. It's an interactive story I've worked on over at writing.com, and I've already done one story before set in it. The basic premise idea there is that a proliferation of fast food franchises and a shift in public conscious on obesity leads to a mass fattening across the country. It's just people eating more and getting fat. I have one idea about a woman who stubbornly tries to stay mobile as she gets fatter, and a second about a mother and daughter who are on the same page when it comes to gaining, but the lazier mother isn't so big on the daughter using her money to feed her own appetite. So I need a third. This can be male or female gain.

I'll stop there, though I have plenty of other ideas that could work for this. I want to see what the response to this is, how good the ideas offered are, and how well I can turn ideas into stories. If this is a success I'll do more like it in the future, whenever I'm having trouble writing or I just want to take a break from what I'm working on at the time.



I know it's not one of the options, but I always wanted to see more stories from the FatBit story line. Maybe something about how the mother has to pickup the slack if her son doesn't start gaining his share? Number 1 isn't bad, maybe have some rogue spell caster put it on people that upset her/him. Wouldn't mind more of Hesper for number 4, maybe one of the restaurants has a competition to become the mascot and get free food for life that the mother and daughter compete against each other for?


I do need to do more FatBit, I know. Maybe something where the mother picks up the habit of eating fattier foods to make her daily quota. Rogue spellcaster? Hmm... Not sure. The Hesper idea might work, but I wouldn't go the mascot route. Maybe something like a spokeswoman job.


this might not fit in with #4/Hesper universe, but I've always wondered where the thin people are in these fat utopias. Is there a "thin acceptance" movement, are there "good" thin people who have jobs like chefs, massage therapists, any job that directly or indirectly encourages obesity or entirely new occupations like helping the obese who get stuck in various situations. (also, not one of the choices but it'd be great to see another story in the "Wrestler" universe)


I don't know if I have any solid ideas yet, but I'd appreciate some new pregnancy lit from you.


Yeah, I need to get back to Wrestler sooner or later. But that 'thin person in a fat utopia' idea might work. Maybe not something negative, but just someone whose metabolism is too fast, but they're cool with what's going on.


I like number 3 a lot. Perhaps the girl is originally stand-offish about exercising and doesn't want it to distract her, but her research into efficiency devolves into an all encompassing drive to exercise /constantly/ in the most efficient ways possible?


That would be self-defeating. The point of finding the most efficient way is to free up time for other things. She's not interested in maximizing the effects of working out - ie, gaining muscle - so why be there constantly?