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Last week I wrote a post alluding to Gorge-abilly, talking about how I wanted to do an expansion story involving bowling alleys and drive-in theaters. Because I didn't go into proper detail people got the wrong idea and thought that I was trying to come up with a more conventional story at one or both of those settings.

Now I have another idea, and this time I am inviting suggestions about where the story can go. It's something different for me (soliciting ideas like this), so let's see how it plays out.

The idea: the mother of a teen girl isn't happy about how her daughter has been overeating and getting fat lately, and wonders why her daughter's friend(s) also seem(s) to be getting fat. One of her friends suggests her daughter and her friend(s) made a pact to get fat, not unlike stories about friends making pacts to get pregnant. The mother doesn't dismiss this idea, but it doesn't help her figure out how to put a stop to her daughter's actions.

Now, the teen and her friend(s) are intentionally trying to get fat, encouraging and competing against each other, but the mother doesn't know this until later on. What she does know is that her parents, the teen's grandparents, are spoiling her and facilitating her gluttony and weight gain. They aren't bothered by how big their granddaughter is getting, which is confusing and a bit infuriating to the mother.

Not sure how to work this in, but everyone involved (the mother and grandparents) are well off, so this explains how the girl can be pigging out all the time (gifts of money from her grandparents, or them buying food for her when she visits them), and it takes care of any 'realistic' problems like buying new clothing.

That's all I have. Level of growth, rate of growth, the direction the story takes, that's all up in the air.

Any thoughts?


Juzza Girl

The archetype of the mom and grandparents are already set (minus the surplus of resources). What will definitely be interesting is the tropes for the friends. Typical is three girls: the leader, the glutton, and the acquiescent yet unaware. There's the Alice Saga, Fullerton Academy, etc. I think what would make it interesting is to have it be coed and have something different personality wise. Maybe someone in it to win. Someone who initially only provided assistance somehow, but they fell into it too. I dunno, I have very rarely not enjoyed the rebellious children gain weight while the outside party marvels.


I had been imagining them as two or three girls, but making one of them a guy might work. I'm not familiar with the stories you mentioned, but having two girls getting fat with some competition, and a guy roped in to helping them and getting hefty himself, might make for an interesting dynamic. Now to figure out how far I want to take things.