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I know I play this card too much, but the past week has been a whole thing for me*, and that has delayed the final May exclusive. I hope to have it finished and posted tomorrow or at the very latest Sunday, which I have off from work and thus no excuse not to finish.

*Without going into too much detail, for those interested there's been an ongoing situation at my job involving a former coworker and legitimate legal (civil, if not potentially criminal) proceedings. Nothing that involves me directly, fortunately, but it has cost us multiple workers for most of this week and possibly into next week.

And it might end up being the final straw that costs us someone permanently, which would mean weeks of uncertainty about my schedule, understaffing, potential stress if we get hit with too much work without enough people on hand (which has already happened), all of which is having an effect on my own mental state because I don't get paid to deal with all this drama, FFS.

So I'm sorry, but the demands of my day job and the unintended impact on my mental state has interfered with my writing. I'll try to get caught up as soon as I can


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