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I feel like I had a good run there of getting three exclusives a month out on time, but April breaks whatever streak I had going. It's not that I don't have ideas, I started or picked up 6 stories during the month, not counting the one exclusive I did manage to finish already and a commission I'll be posting after this.

It's just that I couldn't see any idea through to completion. I'd start something and get distracted or lose interest or just couldn't make time to write.

I have a story I hope (hope!) to get finished tomorrow night, which I'll then try to post early Wednesday morning. If I can finish it, that is; if not I'll try to finish it Wednesday and post it either Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

As for the last April exclusive, I'll pick one of the stories I've already started and force myself to complete it as soon as I can.

I'm sorry I'm dropping the ball like this, but the past few months have been something else. I'll try to regroup in May.


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