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Hey guys! I have some updates.

At the moment, I'm working on the game gallery images, there will be around 25 images and I think they are getting interesting. I'd like to post them, but I think it would be a spoiler, so I'm leaving just a preview of one...

One thing I wanted to announce is that I am changing the nationality of Meg and her family from English to American. I really admire British and European traditions, but I think there are many interesting things in American culture that I could explore with Meg, Liss, and their family, like Hallowheen, the carnivals, Thanksgiving, the Big E (context of this game)... So the hometown and location of Hughes Farm will now be in Massachussets, in the village of Leicester. I thought about this change a lot, and I think the United States fits my ideas about Meg and her family better. Also, most of my supporters are American, so I think this change would be good.

Comment what you think! ^^




Sounds good. Nice to see another Patriot

Clarence Williams

Will the games be uploaded on itch.io?