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Soooo , 

I won't be able to post or work on anything for 4 days at least , all the electrical system of the house will be totally replaced starting tomorrow. 

It reminds me of the period i could not post anything when i broke my back..or that time my computer's power supply died....ah good old time. 



just focus on yourself and be safe while you’re away, we’ll be eagerly awaiting your return

rahmon Samuel

Hey no rush just holla when all things are set and good.


All good man. Kick it back maybe and relax. See it as a mini vacation and don't worry about being uable to post your works. We will be patiently waiting. Just take care of you and the People that are close to you ^^.


Plenty of time to draw on paper lol. Ennoy a little break and relax

John doe

Imma miss ya while you’re gone haha! In the meantime, kick back, relax, and enjoy the break.