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Early access to the latest fartknockery. Power Director fucks up some of the transition effects on export for some reason. Still figuring that out. Can't afford to spend hours re-rendering and testing just yet. YET...


Let's (not) Plague Dark Souls 2 (#5)

Adventures with rats. Bitching about rats. Realizing that rats probably are going to be something to bitch about, so why did I even show up? Also, PC updates and undead penis touching.


Dara McMahon

You had red hair? I don't think you should have told us: people already think you and Pat are related.


No redundancy? Shame plague, shame.


I really enjoy these Dark Souls videos! The game should run awesome on the new PC. Then you'll just have to figure out how to obtain a better internet connection. :D


Winnie the Pooh + murder = YES


Stop simultaneously having 10 windows of porn open in the background and your connection will improve.


There is not enough Plague playing Dark Souls 2.


No better way to start my day