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I like the idea of mixing Patreon updates in with nonsense. Let me know, guys. After this, though, I'll start doing the early unlisted video dealies.


Let's (not) Plague Dark Souls 2 (#4)

The poll: http://strawpoll.me/2394389 For reference:http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/npcs DeS NPC list: http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/npcs DeS Boss list: http://demonssouls.wikidot.com/bosses DS1 NPC list: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/npcs DS1 Boss list: http://darksouls.wikidot.com/bosses DS2 NPC list: http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/npcs DS2 Boss list: http://darksouls2.wikidot.com/bosses GOOD TO BE BA - (My video converter has gotten into the habit lately of cutting off the final few frames of my videos.)



But you bring us so much more joy and get us so much closer to death than a McDonald's hamburger ever will (ToT)


Don't know if you read these comments plague, but I'm a student who's working 3 jobs and is already in the ballpark of 75k in debt(probably be around 300k by the time i'm done) and I have absolutely zero problem with donating a little money every month to see more of your art. Your video's bring me a weird sort of pleasure and I don't regret becoming a patreon for you at all. I honestly don't know what I set out to say in this comment but Cheer's to you for the patreon success, and here's to many more fucked up vid's in the future.


If you won't take my money, then I'll make you take my money! THEN YOU'LL LOVE ME! ...that's how it works, right?


Every time I here Plague get angry I get a little bit scared. WHY?


I don't mind getting them here too.