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I keep trying to remind myself that not everyone watches the streams. (Found here: https://picarto.tv/Plague ) But I've made a lot of progress on the animatic. In hindsight I have no idea how I got Huge Quest done so quickly. This project won't quite be 20 minutes long, but it's still long. Toonboom can't render out more than 16,000 frames, so I've actually had to draw an entire timeline, then make a new part 2 folder and go back and make another timeline just to get everything in one file. Fun. I thought I'd show a few frames off from what I've gotten through so far.

This project centers around the dragons from my Dark Souls in Summary video. A lot of people said they were the best part, so back they come. Go. Back come.

Left to right, frame one, we have Tivon, Marvyn and Philokolo. Or just Tivon, Marv and Phil. They're assholes.

I didn't want to give too much away for those who care (although people in stream have heard the whole script so far). But people who have ruined the experience for themselves seem to love it, so yeah. Only about 15,000 more frames to go.




It was my first time catching one of your streams last night/this morning and I can honestly say I haven't had a better time watching Voyager and not paying attention to your work. Which I love by the way, why would I pledge otherwise? The chat was nice, your rants were amazing, and Voyager is... um... well I had a lot of ACTUAL fun. Really all I want to say is thanks for being cool. I look forward to my eventual sketch by you.