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When you get down to business with a character, always finish them off, kids. Boy, it was a stretch to make that suggestive, but I pulled it off.


Art Gripes: Tristana Color Process (League of Legends)

The original line video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMpbJJoaNE8 I'm not known for my color over my line work, but I figured I'd finish off the image with a demonstration of how I tend to paint. Coincidentally, during the live commentary I was thinking there wasn't a lot to say about things.


Dara McMahon

I noticed, when you coloured the hair, you chose pink, which is nearly on the opposite side of the colour wheel to blue. Do you always do that, or was that just a coincidence?


It's often whatever I randomly pick as quickly as possible. But I try to pick away from whatever color I'm next to, yeah.


Great result Plague. 9/10 - Perfect except for missing fighter jet ;)


Oh I'll use the rocket in my pocket all right Eli WINK


It seems like a lot of digital techniques comes down to learning your tools - ie the program(s) and tablet you're using. Do you recommend exploring multiple programs rather than sticking to just one? (Given it's unlikely that one program can do EVERYTHING well.) I used to use SAI almost exclusively, but I've recently hopped onto Clip Paint Studio - and I try to use Clip Paint Studio pretty much exclusively to learn it better right now, but I have noticed it doesn't do some things as nicely as SAI or Photoshop.


Wow this is amazing the detail is perfect and I have one question, will there be a downloadable version of this picture?