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Melen is a harbor city very close to the city of Orario, and this is where the chapter 11 will be taking place... A trip to celebrate the victory of the War Game, and Bell's level up.

The reason why I did not mention this before in the last news is that I came up with this idea just this morning as I was brainstorming some spicy scenes for Eina... I was thinking of a date, of water, a water park maybe? or some event/holiday type of thing in Orario, until I thought of Melen and its beach.
However, for such a trip, it would make sense if everyone went there to celebrate instead.

This means the scenes I had planned for all the characters will be used during/before Ishtar's arc, but after Chapter 11, except for Lena/Samira of course. Those scenes will be added on R19 as they are a requirement for the Harem Route which can be triggered during Ishtar's arc.
By the way, this means R19 will have the first completed route (Brothel)!
The scenes with Lena/Samira are not over, but they will be part of the Harem Route, so technically the other route is completed.

The bad part of the news is that since I had this change of plans five days before release, the chapter 11 (+ all of its scenes) will happen on R20, so this is more of a teaser for next month.
However, R19 will still have the usual amount of content, so it's not all too bad.

As for Chapter 11, I will make sure to make it worth the wait!
For those of you who have played Overlord H, you can kind of expect something similar to its beach scene, except it will be longer as it needs to cover a whole chapter, and since I will have more time, the scenes will have more variety.



Sieg Warheidt

Aww yeah. Bestia in a swimsuit. You really know how to treat us xD