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A few days ago I had decided to move over to fixing a few issues with the battle system, it was nothing too bad. The reported issue was the skipping of turns, but code-wise everything executed as it should, the turns just weren't updated properly most of the time (graphically). That was quick to fix, just moved the function after the tokens were disabled, and that was it.

Moving to the next issue, I had decided that rather than adding a toggle to disable the spam of battle notifications, I'd just improve them as a whole...

I'd just display them over the token before disabling it, with a small delay while the token got disintegrated (Sort like it happens to the monsters in the source material), and as I was moving over to the controller part, I discovered a bug related to my previous fix, some attacks did not like I had moved the update function after disabling the token.

As I attempted to fix that other issue, I discovered that the disintegration delay had made the companions behave weirdly: Their attacks were really quick, and even though people like Welf should aim for healthy monsters and wear their HP down, all of them brutalized the already disintegrating monsters.
Admittedly that was fun, but it hardly made them useful.
Rather than trying to continue fixing those issues and potentially create more, I decided the best thing to do at this point was to delete the whole thing.

Over the course of these past few days, I tried to keep the same design and feeling of the current battle system, but improved upon it: The design is more compact, I took a step "back" and made a more classic turn based system in order to more easily support controller (and keyboard), and more importantly... The code is much more clean and short, having used the previous code as a "Pseudocode" and the feedback I have gotten since the project started as major features that the code should take into account, rather than after thoughts.

While redesigning the whole thing took a few days, I am sure I would have spent way more time trying to patch bugs, only to create more.
There are still quite many things I need to add, but I want to be over with the battle system by the end of this week as there is a lot I need to do still.

The finished new battle system will have a couple more features than before: The battle log which was a request someone made some time ago, and admittedly it is more useful than I had imagined, while I used debugging tools to balance the enemies, a battle log is so much better... Since I need to test it a lot to make sure no bugs occur in the release, I might use this opportunity to slightly rebalance some monsters as well.
The Jester Mask which is tied to an event, and it basically unlocks the auto battle, which is a little less useful now since you can simply spam the submit key, and you will quickly perform the previous action (Another suggested feature).

It also opens up new opportunities for the future, such as integrating the bestiary I had in mind in the battle system: Rather than accessing the bestiary only in the hub and possibly forget the information by the time you encounter the monster, I could simply create links in the chat and upon clicking them, you open an information window.
I had planned to create a bestiary for R18, but redoing the whole battle system was not planned, so I have to cut some stuff in order to release at the estimated date.
Still, I am sure it was worth it at the end!


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