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From wiki:
"The ceiling changes height from three to four meters from the floors above to nearly ten meters above. Moss covers the brown colored walls and the ground below becomes a short grass plain. The strong light from the phosphorescence above is similar to light from the sun."

I tried to replicate that look, and I think I did it.
I did not want it to be too bright like the actual sun because I feel that would not look right (especially when compared to Rivira), but brighter than the previous floors.

The preview is from a small test to see if the amount of grass killed my computer, but it is surprisingly fast, so that will not be an issue.
As such, it is still missing a few details... More geometry on the walls to make them more uneven, Rocks on the ground, pointy rocks coming from the ceiling similar to the anime, and some extra ivy here and there.
However, that will be the general look of both Floor 8 and 9 that you will get to explore on R7.

There is still a lot to do, but I hope to finish both floors in the next few days!




Beautiful. Definitely different from the boring stone cave.