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Changes from alpha:
-Fixed: Purchased potions not showing up in the inventory.
-Fixed: CG 25 and CG 26 not showing up in the gallery even when unlocked.
-Fixed: Item drops (other than magic stones) never dropping even when they should.
-Fixed: Item drops not stacking in the inventory.
-Fixed: Skills and spells carrying over to a new game.
-Fixed: Status UI not resetting properly when starting a new game.
-Fixed: Adjusted the letterbox to avoid sprites sticking in it.
-Fixed: Added SFX sounds where they were missing (If the feature was completed).
-Fixed: Some music, SFX and Ambient playing even when the audio is muted.
-Fixed: Minor typos.

-Changed: Letterbox made darker (#303030 to #000000) to be less distracting.

-Added: Item drops for all existing monsters, including the Silverback.


-Fixed: Aspect Ratio adjusts automatically now and no longer requires the user to restart the game.
-Fixed: Artifacts on the borders no longer appear on some aspect ratios after going through a loading screen.
-Fixed: Animation/video issues by switching over to "Static" resource management.
-Fixed: Minor typos.

-Changed: Healing potions can now be used during battles.
-Changed: Monsters will now drop items (including their correct magic stone).
-Changed: Frog Shooter and War Shadow have been made slightly stronger.
-Changed: Liaris Freese's effect has been doubled.
-Changed: Battle background from floor 5 to 7 has been redone.

-Added: Notification system.
-Added: Silverback monster.
-Added: 4 Characters (Misha, Maris, Rose, Liliruca).
-Added: Daedalus Street.
-Added: Quest "Moving Forward".
-Added: 11 CGs.
-Added: 9000 words (~30 minutes gameplay).

Download Link (Windows - 64bit):

Download Link (Linux - 64bit):


A Mere Shadow

not sure if its intentional or not but stats carried over to my new game as well as the quest potion unlock


Hmm... No, that should not happen. Thanks for letting me know, I will give it a look later!


I tried to load a game, then go back to the title and start a new game and the quests/stats did not carry over... How did you do it?

A Mere Shadow

You have to beat the first day where you explore the first 5 floors and have to kill 10 monsters then when you return and gets your stats up my hp went from 28 to 228, also one of my stats was now f. The only different thing i did that would affect that was not buying a map so i had to manually map the dungeon which took awhile. But i definitely had access to the quest potion before i completed the quest again

A Mere Shadow

I just did a another new game to test and this time I just rushed to the end so I didn't have crazy stats. I also didn't have access to the quest potion this time. I guess manually mapping the dungeon made me kill lots a monsters. As for the potion I have no idea cause I had it unlocked when I had the quest to unlock it last time. Sorry for wasting your time


I found a few issues with things carrying over, although I could not fully replicate your issue... Hopefully it has been fixed with the new update! Thanks for letting me know.