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With the release of R41 done, I can now continue to focus on writing R42 content which will feature both the Elven Kingdom and the Slane Theocracy.
Zesshi will be the last new character to be featured after R42, this means a scene replayer will soon become available, so that is something to look forward to!

R42 and R43 will be released during the month of December, and while it is hard to tell at this point whether just two builds will be enough to feature both nations or not, I am already sure of the four characters who will appear during this part of the main storyline; One is, of course, Zesshi whereas the other one is the...

Elf King

The Elf King can quickly be recognized thanks to his complete heterochromia, a trait that the previous king of the Elven nation used to have as well.
He has gotten the crown (Once green and blossoming with beautiful flowers) into his adulthood (A little over a hundred years old), but despite his lack of experience, it is not the reason he would come to be hated by both the Slane Theocracy and his own nation alike.

In R42 you will explore his past and how he quickly became the narcissistic king he is today (Hint: It has something to do with a lake!)

The third character will be introduced once I am done creating it, so stay tuned! =)



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