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-Fixed: Entoma's room disappearing once you spoke with Kyouhukou, preventing you from completing the confession event.
-Fixed: Mare's handjob event no longer inverts Momonga's skin color choice.
-Fixed: Neimel's check in Hamsuke side event.
-Fixed: World map no longer tells you about a new event in E-Rantel once Sayuri becomes unavailable.
-Fixed: After the final scene with Kyouhukou, you will no longer get teleported in your chambers.
-Fixed: Sebas no longer stays on screen while you are organizing a meeting on day 129.
-Fixed: Game marking a new Rosalyn event in Adipocere Chamber when it is not available.
-Fixed: Typos in R24 and R25 (Thanks Pimgd!).
-Fixed: Jaldabaoth's CG inconsistency.
-Fixed: Vrelkia's sprite overlapping with the last CG.

-Changed: Redone Nigredo's sprite (Smoother animation).

-Added: 2 Characters (Increment, Vixtralishen'wakar).
-Added: 3 Maps (Orphanage, The Labyrinth, Karorin's hideout).
-Added: 6 Side Events.
-Added: 4 Mirror Events.
-Added: 5 CGs.
-Added: 8400 words (~25 minutes gameplay).

Download link (Windows, Linux):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_tj42o32QZotfQYuiHlVC6NS5RDu2bSy/view 

Download Link (MAC): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c43C38nVKRhNpTPd4NkRxX77SbCv7YAA 




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