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In these days I have written dialogue for a mix of side events and main story line, I have included some of the (badly titled) files for a small teaser of what you can expect for the next release.

R23 will cover from where R22 left off until the end of the war in the Katze Plains, all the side events I have written so far happen before the war (Aura and Albedo).

Clerk.txt and Bandits.txt is something that will happen in R24 (or in the near future anyways), do not mind them!

Nhinne.txt and NobleGift.txt will introduce the Green Hole on the sixth floor, that is four characters already... This means I might add some house tokens in there eventually so I will have more space for more characters.

Not all the dialogue I have written is there, some is on my phone (Ideas, drafts and actual dialogue I have written while I was outside or in bed).

Over the next few days I will create and post new characters and then start to gradually put all that dialogue I have written in-game.




Looking forward to, keep up the good work.