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Since the first release of Overlord H, I have had people reporting false positives...
Just 6/69 antiviruses according to VirusTotal.com, which was still quite a big bunch of people still.

It was not the first time I had such a problem, I had to face that with Workers of Kartedhir as well and I fixed it by upgrading the engine... Too old = False Positive, Too new = False positive, so I found my sweet spot at Unity 2018.3.14f1.
I had thought to do the same for Ren'Py as well and today I have upgraded to the latest version hoping for the best but to no avail.

Finally, out of desperation, I googled once more hoping to find a solution and indeed I did:   https://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewtopic.php?t=39376 

Turns out that including an icon makes some antiviruses go crazy. Taking it off completely fixed the issue.

Over the next few days I will try to find other ways to include an icon without triggering any false positive but in the worst case scenario, the game will no longer include an icon which is not a big deal imho.

So for people that were waiting for the false positive to be addressed, look forward to R8 which hopefully will come out by this month! And I hope this post will also help other developers that are facing the same issue.


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