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As far as R11a goes, the secondary characters have enough content for the current maximum of two days (10 actions related to hentai but only 8 necessary to get to the end of the second day, without counting the rest time to regenerate stamina depending on your ability score and choosen feat), so the next update will focus on giving the protagonist the same amount of content.

The sketch

I made a sketch from an idea I had ever since R9/R10, using the toilet in the Red Light District for other purposes other than sex as hinted by the current dialogue, I have written some snippets of dialogue here and there but the event itself wasn't even created yet.

The old toilet event still needs some small edits as well... It has a few minor bugs related to desire and stamina usage plus I had made a "part 2" of the event to make it repeatable but I forgot to connect the two so the game never gets to read it.
I might fix them together with the addition of this next event in the next release but they are otherwise pretty safe to ignore for now.

The outline

Unlike my previous project, in this one I use very dark outline (pure black or close), in this one I felt like using them both to create some contrast between the two entities, especially since the male is the protagonist whose skin color will be picked by the player, unlike the female NPC who has a predefined skin color, so it can safely get away with a less dark outline.


As next step I have colored the two with their base color, the male's skin color will be used in the gallery since that collection is separated from the game events, the game event will have whatever skin color your protagonist is.

I have used a red background to easily notice if there was any hole somewhere since the female NPC's skin color is pretty pale and would blend in with the grey background (I actually draw often with a pure red background but disable it to grab a screenshot as I know pure red may be annoying to see for some people).

With the color done, I proceeded to shade it up as shown above, I have also cleaned the outline and added a few small details... Except for the penis' vein that was in the sketch but forgot to include in the final part of the drawing, I will include that soon.

That is, of course, just a finished frame, I have a bunch more to do to finish up the animation for the 8th scene, the 7th being the previous sketch I had shown before releasing R11a, the original plan was to include that scene there but I ran out of time so I had to postpone it which is fine, it fits that the next two scenes will be both for the protagonist.



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