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With the first scene and NPC done, I am making the second scene that will be added in the next update, I have started by throwing together a really messy sketch (it was messier before cleaning it up) to have a general idea of where I want each thing to be and how:

After that I cleaned it up further and removed the "invisible" parts as they were needed only to draw the visible parts in proportion to the angle of the woman/man and sketched all the components (Hair type 01, Hair type 02, eyelids, irises, ...)

The sketch is still a bit dirty but that will not matter as it is needed only to help me trace the final outline, the sketch layer will be disabled afterwards:

With the outline done, I could already start coloring, shading and put the last details on the man whereas with the woman (will be the playable secondary character) it will take some extra time as I need to break it up in parts and the colors will be decided by the game depending on the character's customization at the beginning of the game.

I will still color and shade her regardless as I will save a copy for the gallery as I did with the other animations:


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