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Let's create Raynare's backstory! (Part II)

  • [Old Fallen Angel] "Sentry of the Heavens" 7
  • [Old Fallen Angel] "Trickery" 4
  • [Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid] "Azazel's daughter" 10
  • [Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid] "Failed Angel" 9
  • 2024-05-23
  • —2024-05-27
  • 30 votes
{'title': "Let's create Raynare's backstory! (Part II)", 'choices': [{'text': '[Old Fallen Angel]\xa0"Sentry of the Heavens"', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '[Old Fallen Angel]\xa0"Trickery"', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '[Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid]\xa0"Azazel\'s daughter"', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '[Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid]\xa0"Failed Angel"', 'votes': 9}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 27, 17, 30, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 23, 3, 40, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 30}


After adding the votes from all the sources, the results of the last poll are as follows:
Old Fallen Angel: 13
New Fallen Angel: 3
Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid: 14


Since both categories are almost 50/50, while I've excluded the drafts related to the "New Fallen Angel" which is already quite helpful, I thought it would be more fair to include both "Old Fallen Angel" and "Fallen Angel/Human hybrid" in this second part of the poll to help you better decide Raynare's backstory.


Once again, multiple votes are possible. There's no need to pick just one, vote for all the options you like.
While I cannot promise this is possible without properly planning for it, I'll at least make an effort to include choices during her episode to customize her backstory according to the results of this poll, unless the votes will be really one-sided (Ideal, but even if just one option is barely voted and therefore filtered out, it would help).


I'll now describe each backstory so you can choose your favourites:
[Old Fallen Angel] "Sentry of the Heavens"
One of the last creations of the Biblical God, Raynare served as one of the sentries of the main gate after Dohnaseek tutored her.
Once Raynare could properly take care of her duties, Dohnaseek was moved to a strategic location as the Great War progressed.

Years into the war, in a desperate but effective last move, the Grigori managed to push deep into the Angels' territory.
She was able to alert of the enemy presence, but their numbers were few and inexperienced in battle to hold them back.

Barely surviving but taken by greed, jealousy and wanting to pursue individual glory after the encounter, she fell.
The Grigori retreated from the Great War shortly after.



[Old Fallen Angel] "Trickery"
One of the last creations of the Biblical God, shortly after the Great War, the angels were left in a frenzy unable to replenish their number in an unsure situation.

Plans to find a way to increase their numbers started to form, making a holy union well accepted as long as only love and pure intentions were present.

During the early period Post Great War, Raynare fell in love with a man who seemingly had pure intentions. Nothing suggested otherwise, but it was all a good trickery.

Despite Raynare's best intentions and not a single sign of impurity in her heart, the man's were anything but; Due to this grave mistake in judgement, she fell.

Sorrow quickly turned into anger as she found her situation unjust, so she fully dedicated herself to her new role and became proud of being a Fallen Angel, aiming to improve and become the best version of herself.

While initially she humiliated, manipulated and lied out of a sense of revenge for what it had be done to her, she quickly grew to enjoy it, and now it became her own guilty pleasure.

Note: Nothing sexual happened between the two, she simply got catfished with the objective of making her fall.



[Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid] "Azazel's daughter"
After Azazel fell, he slept with thousands of women over his existence, and Raynare was the fruit of one of those relationships.

Unaware of her existence, Raynare grew up with her mother and discovered her nature through her, so once she died, Raynare decided to look for her father in an effort to be united with him.

However, even after successfully becoming a Grigori agent through hard work and studying, she still felt inadeguate, never finding the right chance to confront Azazel.

He was kind, but he's kind to all fallen angels, valuing especially those with special powers, or who are stronger and of pure blood.

That's why she embraces her nature of Fallen Angel fully, trying her best to reach the top, no matter what; Even going as far as disobeying her own father in order to gain a greater power.
To this day (up to meeting the MC and the outcome), she hasn't revealed her secret to Azazel yet.


[Fallen Angel/Human Hybrid] "Failed Angel"
A low ranking Angel, one of the last creations of the Biblical God, fell in love with a devoted christian, and hoping their offspring would increase the number of the angels' army, they attempted a holy union.
However, their union doesn't go as planned as either one of them experienced lust, and so she fell.

Despite falling, the man continued to love her, and she him. For many years theirs is a happy marriage, but the highly religious family of the man feels betrayed since their union didn't meet their expectations.
Not only she wasn't an angel anymore, but their union brought a blight to the world; To avoid their son to continue this blasphemy, sure that he's bring tricked by this now fallen angel, they hire a group of magician mercenaries to deal with her, and get their son back.

However, during the confrontation, the man shields his wife and dies in the process. After a very quick battle, vastly outnumbered, she dies shortly after as well.

Luckily they managed to hide their daughter, Raynare, in a safe location. The Grigori quickly activated and while the mercenaries were long gone, they managed to take Raynare under their care in the Grigori's institute where she would learn to become an agent alongside Dohnaseek and a couple more Fallen Angels in her group.

This experience (Which plays on similarities with Akeno's backstory) teaches her that it's a world where it's use or be used, where power is all that matters in order to survive.
Finding satisfaction in the act of being superior as a Fallen Angel, she often enjoys playing with her targets.


Sieg Warheidt

I like them all, but I’ll admit my thought process on Raynare is that I don’t honestly think she would be a hybrid, considering how she seems in the show. Unless you want to go the route where she secretly hates herself due to her being half human. Sounds like something she’d take to the grave honestly. Although to be fair my thoughts on Raynare are DEEPLY colored by fanon. Didn’t watch the show in a while and still read fanfictions about it xD


While the human heritage is present and can even give some advantages (like being able to be reincarnated into a devil), I'd say the fallen angel's blood overshadows it. Akeno is a good example of that, so it wouldn't be out of question that Raynare focuses only on her Fallen Angel's heritage. It's also very likely that some of the low ranking fallen angels are hybrids since they lack a reincarnation system.