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Jasmin Warnick

You brought up a lot of the same thoughts that I had for this generation. I will mention that for me, Poppy being an elite four member, with the typing of steel, was one of my favorite moments in the game.


Gen 9 nearly killed my love for Pokemon and it was on a very shaky nail with 8 (7.5, if I was being honest, I have no love for what Ultra did to Sun in terms of the Luisimine storyline. If Sun got anything right it was pointing at her and going "Beat this abusive fuckstick with the biggest, bluntest Mermaid-Seal you have and don't stop until they can't see straight for what they're doing.")

Krankar Volund

Personally, I just call all big wild pokemons Totem Pokemons, I don't care for Game Freak rebranding XD


I'm as surprised as Lily that she liked Gen 9 as much as she has. Not surprised enough to buy a copy for myself of course but still!