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I've been working on a retrospective of the main campaigns of the entire Pokemon series for a while, this is going to be all one video and 3/8 generations are written completely. I decided to compile what I'd written of Gen 4 and edit it together for Patrons, who can expect more of this to come in the future.



Kit Fighterfly

I haven’t laughed this hard in a very long time, the editing slayed me! Also it’s refreshing to hear someone else equally as irritated by Pokémon’s constant droning and pit stops; most people I complain about that to just bend over backwards to try to convince me why the story is actually sO DEEP AND MEANINGFUL I SWEAR YA GUYS

Matthew Thorne

God this reminded me of Sinnoh constantly making me backtrack. Look if you want me to remember an area, making me see it 20 billion times isn’t going to work… make the place look nice and/or interesting and maybe I’ll bite (and yea Sinnoh is ugly. Worst looking region.)