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I've now had three instances where somebody has become a $15 Patron to get my Skype info in an attempt to grill me about rumors that have been refuted a thousand times and continue to be spread around by stalking, no-life assholes.

Bear in mind that Patreon does allow me to remove these nuisance patrons. And people who attempt to grill me about these same lies DURING a group chat will be instantly removed from said chat and will not be refunded.

To clarify: Being a $15 Patron entitles you to the group chats. It does not entitle you to personal, one on one chats. There are too many people signed up to make that many chats feasible. Additionally, starting in February, the group chats will be permanently moved to the 5th and 19th of each month, and new patrons who have not yet made a successful pledge will not be permitted to participate.

This starts in February, so if you started pledging for said reward this month, you will still be allowed to participate. 



It's an pity that people are so obsessed with being jerks they pay money to harass people or assume that the patron payment means they own part of your soul when it's like PBS you donate and get an tote bag and an vhs of doctor who or sesame street.


I'm sorry to hear about people being asses to you. It sucks, and I hope you're doing well despite it. I would say hope this doesn't happen again, but that'd just be inviting trouble, so instead I will hope that your new year is better and filled with joy, or at least a good show that doesn't have an episode you want to throw into a fiery pit.