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Rumors regarding Mikaila's immigration have been circulating for a while so I've decided to put those rumors to bed for those financially contributing to me.

Rumor 1 - I am not financially stable enough for Mikaila to Immigrate.

I have passed all eligibility requirements for Sponsorship.

Rumor 2 - Mikaila isn't immigrating at all, because she would have been there by now.

Family Sponsorship takes at a minimum 18 months. Mikaila is currently stuck in the "Background Check" stage, which is the longest and least communicative stage. There are people stuck in this stage for anywhere from a few months to a few years.

Rumor 3 - I scammed people in an Immigration fundraiser

I raised $2,400 to pay for Mikaila's Immigration. $1,100 was spent filing the paperwork. $500 was spent on Mikaila's medical examination. The remaining $800 has been sitting in my TFSA generating interest until it's time to pay for more paperwork. And if there isn't more paperwork, then it'll go toward moving costs.

The people passing around these rumors are, as usual, making things up.

Thank you for your time, have a nice day.



Shame the process is going glacial, but that bureaucracy for you. Hope it goes smoothly, when it actually get going.


Yeah the immigration process is long when my dad did family sponsorship for us it took almost 10 years. But we lived in Kenya so maybe its different

Reverie Jones

This is such a ridiculous thing to spread rumors about. People are just mean.