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Some people have asked me about if I need help raising money to pursue legal action against the main ringleaders of the harassment mob (Brittany, Ethel, Courtney, etc).

For the record: I don't need help. I have very good credit, I could easily take out a loan with my bank that they would work with me to pay back hassle-free because I am extremely good at paying my debts.

So don't need help with potential lawyer fees.

If you're a free member and want to give me money just because I don't deserve to have put up with all of this, then by all means! The paid tiers are right there!


Sam Rupe-Smith

I think it would depend on the laws in your area as well as the laws where they are as well. In that regard, it would be smart to do your research. But a lawyer could get more expensive than you may initially think. So do be ready for that if it does come to that. Again, do your research and ask them about their fees. I don’t know what the lawyers are like where you live, obviously, but it’s a good thing to be aware of. Finally, document everything you can. Clear and solid evidence of their harassment towards you will help you if it does go to court. So just don’t respond to them and save everything someplace secure. That’s just advice, I hope I helped at least a little bit.