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The voters have spoken, and we will be covering the Great Northern War here on Extra History! This series will air in the summer of 2017. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Current Schedule: Ned Kelly --> Articles of Confederation --> Bronze Age Collapse --> Great Northern War




Lol, finally those guys demanding the Great Northern War will finally get their series. I'm feeling sorry for Alexander and Caesar, the final two perennial candidates excluding the Wars of the Roses, always in third or last place by large margins. Somewhat of the pseudo-prequel to Catherine the Great, it will be a great series as usual. Still, I would like to see more variety in our topics for consideration. Now I think that's 9 of 21 series occurring in the Late Modern Period, the 18th and 19th centuries.


As many people noted in the comments of the poll, Ceasar and Alexander are both very well known characters and many patrons seem to vote for topic they aren't familiar with. Also, it's a shame that Talleyrand "the limp legged devil" wasn't picked, the man is awsome in every sense of the word. For an another time I guess.


"To the skiiiiiies, see Carolus rise!" <a href="https://youtu.be/P9V-tGUou-M" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/P9V-tGUou-M</a>

James C

About the next series, whose articles of confederation? Is it Canada's?


"The Articles of Confederation" usually refers to, at least in english-speaking historiography, to the US and the period from about 1777 to 1787


Ooh yeah! Hope you talk about the unresolved cause of death of Charles XII of Sweden!


Alexander and Caesar are too well known, the Great Northern War not so much.


We do lean slightly Western and slightly modern because we want Extra History to be a resource for teachers and students, and most English-speaking schools are going to focus on Western history. But the hope is always that while we offer a broad enough scope of history to make it useful in schools, we also offer an introduction to a wide array of world history so this serves as a gateway into other topics.


Yeah, I begin to suspect that if we ever want to cover those two, that we'll need to have a special poll (similar to our US-only one) so they are competing against other well-known figures or events rather than that enticing unknown.


One of my favorite composers already wrote some relevant music. Heck, he wrote an entire opera dramatizing Mazeppa's unsuccessful rebellion. Something for the Kiner Brothers to consider when they do their piece. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDBihpLgPbw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDBihpLgPbw</a>


I know the Great Northern War is after his reign, but I hope they cover at least a little bit about Gustavus Adolphus


Are you going to do a bit on the Carolean death march? That was brutal.


And on that note. The supposed funny indecent of Carolus Rex trying to escape the Ottomans and tripping over his own shoes.


Great ...