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Decide what subject you'd like us to cover in the summer of 2017! You may vote for multiple subjects (and change your vote at any time). Whichever has the most votes by 11:59pm (PST) on January 26 will join our line-up!

Current Schedule: Catherine the Great --> Ned Kelly --> Articles of Confederation --> Your Vote!

NOTE: Patreon-hosted polls are a new feature from Patreon. We're told that they DO NOT work on the Android app at the moment, so if you're reading this on your Android, please A) try again from a non-Android device or PC or B) load it through your device's web browser (thanks to Ruben Wikhaug for this idea)! Also, we'd love to hear your feedback on these polls so we can pass it along to the team at Patreon.

NOTE 2: I correct the ending date of this poll, which I had set one day earlier than I meant to.



Incidentally, one of my first pieces of feedback is going to be that we need to be able to randomize the order in which these options appear, to give each choice an equal chance of appearing at the top. :\


Is it supposed to be that we are able to vote for all of the topics? Seems a bit off.


It is! This is a simple approval vote. You can individually vote for as many topics as you like, and whichever topic gets the most consensus votes from the community as a whole will be the winner.


You can vote on android as long as you use a browser, by the way ^^

Maximilian Vermilye

I remember Otto being mentioned in your very first history series! I hope he gets his due on the show! :)


I had to actually look up who William the Silent was, so naturally he gets one of my votes. The other votes go to Charles Martel and the Sea People (the latter of whom I know only because of John Green's excellent Crash Course World History series).

Aldo de Leeuw

As a Dutchman I would enjoy a piece on William the Silent, but the late bronze age is a lot more interesting. However if William gets picked and you need a hand translating stuff from Dutch to English feel free to ask. I am sure I - and other Dutch fans - would be more than willing to help out. I did take a class in transcribing Ye Olde Dutch to modern Dutch so it would be fun to put that to good use too.


I would definitely reach out for some help with Dutch pronunciation. Dan tries so hard, bless him.


I rub my little hands with glee that you looked up one of these topics and learned (a bit) about it that way! That's how I reconcile myself to the knowledge that only one topic can win: at least the others will get a little love as people go look them up for the vote.




I was Tempted to Vote "Pass" on this One since everything I Vote for always loses.


The Poll shows the results when you click on your first choice. Is that intentional? I'm used to the old polls where you only see the results after making all of your selections.


You gotta believe! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIyibFd6WaA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIyibFd6WaA</a>


I think it is intentional because of the way they set up the system (you can change your vote at any time) but it's not ideal. I'll ask them about setting up some kind of "Confirm Vote" or "View Results" button so results aren't displayed until after someone has decided they want to opt in to that. Not sure how they'd code it with their current system, but that's their problem, isn't it! &gt;:)


I am just so happy that some Australian history is being shown, we don't have as rich history as Europe, Asia and the United States in terms of war and political upheaval. What we do have a rich history of crazy characters, as the Ned "Buckethead" Kelly series will show.

William Warren

looks like it's a run between the Bronze age and Bismarck, 2 very interesting topics in their own right :)


Oooh! Very good topics this time. One of the key turning points of history is the Battle of Tours. If Charles Martel lost, Europe, and possibly most of the world, would have become Muslim. Otto von Bismarck, the first episode of the first Extra History series mentioned how he deserved a series for himself and rightly so. This is his second time for consideration, he actually has a chance since he isn't running against Justinian part 2. William the Silent is the Father of the Netherlands; quite the tale of politics, religion and rebellion. Late Bronze Age Collapse, how did such a vibrant, complex, interconnected civilizations dramatically, suddenly collapsed? How would you write this series, since it is more speculative history? I would vote for all of them, but I would prefer some over others. Are there more tools for the vote? Can we switch to ranked or preferential voting? The current approval system is fine but I still take issue with approval voting since each topic I voted for is of equal weight.


All excellent topics! Going with the late Bronze age as its not centered on an individuals accomplishments. Something different and interesting.

Kakirtog, the Charr in gold

It seems I can;t expand the comments without getting redirected to the Pledge page to donate 5 bucks a month, but I'm already a Patron at that level and logged in. I can see the first comment of someone, plus one reply, and the rest is folded behind a 'Load x replies' button. I would really liek to see more of the discussion. Is there a fix for this? Thanks!


I'm having the same problem here - Can't load more comments, every time I try it takes me to the main article but while telling me the poll is for $5 patreons only and without the comments. Refresh from there gives me the comments (and poll) back, but... Still no load on the more comments I was trying to view. (OK, actually that's only for 'load replies' the 'load more comments' button is working fine)


This looks like the best lineup of topics yet, but I have to go with Martel.

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Whenever these votes come up, I'm always tempted to vote for the people and events I know the least about -- preferrably ones I have never even heard of.


C'mon, Late Bronze Age Collapse! :D


I'd be interested to see where Extra History goes with that one. As best I can tell, no one really knows what happened.


as much as i REALLY wanna see something on Von Bismark, I am intrigued by the subject of William the Silent even more X}


Darn, I really wanted to see Charles Martel.


Really excited by all these choices! Poor Charles Martel is in last place right now. If he doesn't win then I'm going to have to dig into Merovingian/Carolingian history on my own :) As far as the polling, like others mentioned I think I'd prefer a ranked/preferential voting system. I'm definitely kind of gaming it right now. For topics I have a medium interest in, I will vote or not based on how others vote (or how I think they will vote).


Forgot to mention earlier, but I love how innovative you guys are in naming some of the suggestions!


Small remark about the poll system: I was able to read the post and see the poll options by following the link in the e-mail even without logging in. But as soon as I've clicked one of the check-boxes, I got redirected to the log in screen. Judging by the link, I'd expect that both reading and voting would be available without logging in.


I wanna learn about the Sea People.


In the current climate of deus-vulting everywhere and always, I'm pretty glad Martel is dead last.


So - feedback - after I posted a reply to a comment in this thread, patron suddenly decided my patronage wasn't high enough to be allowed to vote on this and locked me out. I had to refresh my page, only to discover it had lost my votes. I've re-voted now, but you may be loosing some votes if other people have a similar issue.


Just had that happen too. Except my vote stayed, I was just replying to a comment in the thread - and the comment disappeared


Same here. It usually ends up with me on Wikipedia for an hour or so each time.


Running into the same problem too. I can't expand to see all replies from the Patreon post page and sometimes redirects me to the pledge page telling me my pledge isn't high enough. I found a workaround by viewing from my home page all can see all replies and comments but this is unreliable.


But but...von Bismark. It is destiny! Why do you all deny destiny!?


I can't vote for multiples anymore? Heresy.


Please do the Bronze Age collapse. I have that down as one of the things I wanted to research and know more about this year.


He might got more votes if he was framed as Charlemagne Grandfather


Just keep swimming just keep swimming...hey i sea people!




Criticism: people can see the totals immediately after selecting an option, and they can then change their mind. I expect this means that there will be a significant "bandwagon" effect.


Possibly. Another possibility is that people who voted for a topic that is too far behind to stand a chance might change their vote to the second-place topic if they're sufficiently opposed to the current leader. This is my first time voting, so I don't know from personal experience how these things tend to go.


I wound up reading a bit about Australian history while researching old Ned and suffice to say I'd love to see more Aussie history in the future. :)


Basically the only two options I can access on the Polls feature right now are 1) Allow people to vote for multiple options and 2) Allow people to change their votes. It's a pretty barebones feature, and my two top requests to get it improved right now are to add random sorting and an option to hide results. Once we get that taken care of, I'd be happy to keep bothering the Patreon team to see if we can get some more sophisticated voting options. We weren't able to do ranked or preferential voting with the last polling site we used either; it's been a surprisingly rare feature (unless you want to pay a subscription fee to someplace like SurveyMonkey, which we wouldn't use enough to justify).


Woohoo! I love a good biography, but it's nice to get a wider-perspective on an event or time period into the mix.


You should be able to! It works for me (I just tested). Can you try again and if it's still not working, let me know what device/browser you're using?


Hoping for Otto Von Bismarck. He doesn't seem to be covered well in the United States, and a lot of the things that were accomplished, as well as his eventual downfall, are quite amazing to read about.


Also, I'd suggest using "by 11:59PM PST January 26th" instead of " before midnight (PST) on January 26" as that leaves very little room misreading.


Speaking of poll feedback - A feature a miss, but rarely used, from the old way was the 'any feedback on these topics' write-in option. I don't know if Patreon's poll as it currently exists will let you add that back in?

Winters King

i was really hoping for charles martel, but its good to see we'll get the late bronze age collapse instead of something boring like otto von bismarch


Would LOVE to have seen Charles Martel get a series but really, all of these choices are great. Keep up the good work 👍


Charles Martel would've been awesome. Any chance he'll return in a later poll?


It doesn't exist currently, but you're welcome to leave feedback in the comments!


He could! No guarantees it'll be soon but there's no rule against topics coming back multiple times. Catherine the Great won that way!


Aw, how did I miss this? I only just received the e-mail and it's 3am. I mean why am I even up and checking my email at 3am?


I got the Patreon email about this less two hours ago and the poll is already closed? That's not nearly enough time! EDIT: Yeah... so I got the email with the results two minutes after I got the email about the poll. I'm guessing it was already closed when I got the one about the poll.


Same as the previous two comments: I got two Patreon e-mails informing me about the poll, at 9:11 and 9:12 am (Jan 26) and immediately after, at 9:13, the e-mail with the results. EDIT: my time zone is CET.

Logan West

Yup, just got notified of the poll, and it's already closed. Obviously the results are RIGGED! :)


I got the email announcing the poll at 3:11 AM, and got the email announcing the poll results at 3:14 AM. Does make it tough to participate.


So, if RIGHT NOW every internet clock tells me it's 08:53 AM PST of 26 Jan, and this vote ends on "11:59pm (PST) on January 26", how exactly is it already closed?!? Not to mention the announcement mail was immediately followed by the results one... huh?!?


I'm so excited for this outcome. This has long been my favorite topic of antiquity.


I ... my g ... whoa ... my constant pestering for Otto Von Bismarck paid off in the long run? Granted, it didn't win, but I'm still pleasantly shocked.


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(


I'm seeing a couple of comments about this, and rest assured I'm going to mention it to the Patreon team. Sorry about this! :(