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The Articles of Confederation! Teddy rallied on the final day and closed what had been a fairly consistent 20 vote gap, but he didn't quite have the going power to overtake the Articles (or tie them). So now we know what our first ever US History topic will be, with congratulations to the patron who suggested this one!

Current Schedule: Simon Bolivar --> Catherine the Great --> Ned Kelly and the Kelly Gang --> Articles of Confederation




Well fought! Teddy'll take the next one. lol


By two votes? Wow I'm glad I voted


In the end the election was decided by the voter who chose by coinflip.


It is now Headcanon that somebody living in Virginia agonised over which to pick as theirs was the tiebreaker...until someone in New Hampshire also voted for the articles a few seconds before they did.


Every vote counts! Actually I'm surprised, as I always figured the closeness of our voting results was due to the fact that people can vote on multiple topics, and so the ones with the most general appeal tend to attract the most overlap. But here, everyone could only vote on one topic, and it STILL came down to the wire.


Had ONE person voted differently it'd been a tie again!


One day it will win. Yes, one day...


You guys should look into doing a series on the rise and fall of William "Boss" Tweed and Tammany Hall, and the hilarious insane escapades of his.


As a big fan of the Bull Moose; he is easily among my favorite presidents. I was hoping that Teddy would win out in this case. His life is a crazy and awesome ride. Well here is hoping that he will get a shot in the future. :)


As an idea for the next one, how about William Stephenson.


Funny how I am learning about the articles of confederation in school right now


When's the next vote and or topic suggestion?