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What US History topic would you like to see us cover on Extra History? Vote before midnight (PST) on Tuesday, November 15 and let us know!

Link: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/p/geedQBlS?qid=889635

Why US History?  

This is a temporary measure: not all future surveys are going to be limited to one area or concept. But we do want to make sure that we are giving ourselves the opportunity to cover a wide variety of history, and while we're very proud that our patrons (both in suggesting and in voting) have embraced so many topics that are off-the-beaten path of Western history curricula, we also think it's important that Extra History provide material for students whose first introduction to history comes through a "standard" US history curriculum. Unfortunately, all of the US history topics we've included in our votes have come in last.

We've heard from so many people that never loved history before, or even actively hated it, that Extra History changed the way they see history. It made them more interested to go learn more on their own. That's exactly what we want to bring to sudents in US history courses. We certainly hope that if they love it enough, they'll stick around to learn about people like Admiral Yi and Suleiman the Magnificent. But we gotta start somewhere, and that 'somewhere' is most likely to be with their homework!

So even if you've heard these stories before, we hope that you will enjoy hearing them from us (and Walpole)!


What US History topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?

What US History topic(s) would you like Extra History to cover?



The internet has had a boner for Teddy for forever, I'd love a more in depth look at the articles instead of pandering to an already popular figure