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Summary: The rewards for the $8 and $10 tier will be combined into one single tier which gives access to the Q&A and ability to suggest an Extra History topic. The $10 tier will be eliminated as a reward level.

Starting November 1, we are going to combine the $8 (Q&A) and the $10 tier (Suggest a Topic) into a single tier which will remain at the $8 level. This new tier will offer BOTH rewards (Q&A and Suggest a Topic) at the $8 patronage level.

Why the change? As Extra History has grown, we have come across more and more cases where we want to run special votes where the topics have already been decided (e.g. last place, second chance, or Patron only votes), during which we have traditionally suspended the $10 tier and asked patrons to send James a question for Lies instead. But this feels especially bad when special topic votes come close together and the reward ends up suspended for months at a time.

We love having patron suggestions and don't want any of our patrons to feel like they aren't getting the reward they deserve, so we felt the best solution was to make it available at a lower level by combining it with the monthly Q&A. That way the reward is more consistent and we still get to hear your wonderful suggestions about what history topics to cover next!
