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Heather McNabb, the wonderful artist who's been with us since the Shaka Zulu series (and who first introduced us to Robert "We Cool" of Flanders), is leaving the show! Today's episode, History of Paper Money II, will be her last. We loved working with Heather and we'll miss her dearly. She asked us to share a farewell message with you here on Patreon.

Dear Patreons,

This episode marks my last as an official Extra History artist, and I didn’t want to let it pass by without saying a few thank yous.

Thanks to James for scripting the series with all the meaty jokey bits for me to latch onto, thanks to Soraya for being my fact checking backstop and general master of ceremonies, and thanks to Carrie and Dan for all the editing, narration, and other behind-the-scenes work they do seemingly without need of rest.  Thanks to the whole EC crew for being awesome. 

But most of all, thank you Patreon supporters. By supporting  Extra History, you are participating in the making of this amazing thing, free history education available 24/7 to anyone with the interest to learn. I have been honored and humbled to be a part of that process, and it was a whole lot of fun too. Your contributions allowed me to to be a part of this show for the last year, and I will always be grateful.

Sean & Dean, David and Lil, I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with for the upcoming EH episodes. I hope to be able to rejoin you again in the future!




Sad to see you go, but good luck to you!


And for those wondering: although Heather's leaving, the History of Paper Money series schedule will NOT be interrupted. Lil and LeeLee (our former EC artist!) have graciously stepped up to tackle the remaining episodes.


Oh, I am so sorry to see you go too, but I'm glad for whatever opportunities have taken you away from us. Best of Luck!! **Parting Kitty Hugs** An' dose iz not tears... cuz kitties don't cry. ;)


Goodbye Heather!


Farewell and good luck!


See you later and I wish you the best


Best wishes and thank you for all the hard work. You'll be missed.


Best wishes. Loved your artwork, you'll be missed.


Best wishes to you and whatever your next projects will be! You will be missed, you did some great artwork!


Good luck onward!

Jason Youngberg

Thank you for all the hard work you've done! I wish you the best in the future.


Thank you for your work - wishing you the best of luck in all future endeavors!


Thank you Heather for all your hard work and best wishes moving forward.


Thanks for your good work!


Best of luck on your future endeavors!

Nathan O'Connor

You will be missed. Farewell and good luck with your future endeavours.


A related question to this, has only occurred to me a few days later. I seem to recall heather joining you in the first place because the number of artists already on the staff weren't enough to keep up with the pace desired for extra history. Should we expect a dip in pace after this series is over, until a replacement is found?


I am sad to see you go, but you have been an awesome artist for the series. I wish you the best of luck!


I'm sorry that you are leaving us, but I am also happy to see you take the opportunities that come your way. Good luck to you and all your future endeavors.