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Eleni will change Ethiopia for generations. Her conversion to Christianity was only the beginning of her influence over the future of Ethiopia. She sought out diplomacy for her nation, signed peace treaties, and even acted as co-Emporer. Bringing the first missionaries to Ethiopia and befriending Spain to create military allies that would help save Ethiopia from ruin.

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Part 1 - Heirs of Solomon | Part 2 - The New Jerusalem I Part 3 - Church and State I Part 4 - Release Date: 7/23/2022I Part 5 - Release Date: 7/30/2022I Part 6 - Release Date: 8/6/2022 I Lies - Release Date: 8/20 /2022 I Music - Release Date: 8/20 /2022

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Kings of Solomon: Church and State - Ethiopian Empire #3 - EXTRA HISTORY

---- To learn more about Brilliant, go to https://brilliant.org/ExtraCredits/ and sign up for free. The first 200 people that go to that link will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription! ---- Eleni will change Ethiopia for generations. Her conversion to Christianity was only the beginning of her influence over the future of Ethiopia. She sought out diplomacy for her nation, signed peace treaties, and even acted as co-Emporer. Bringing the first missionaries to Ethiopia and befriending Spain to create military allies that would help save Ethiopia from ruin. ---- Miss an episode in our Ethiopian Empire Series? ---- Part 1 - Heirs of Solomon: https://youtu.be/ZtbLrCrm56Y Part 2 - New Jerusalem: https://youtu.be/9lQJxcYL6Hk Part 3 - Church and State: https://youtu.be/GdS10vtF2Q8 Part 4 - Coming Soon: 7/23/2022 Part 5 - Coming Soon: 7/30/2022 Part 6 - Coming Soon: 8/6/2022 Series Wrap-up / Lies Episode - Release Date: 8/20/2022 Music From the Show - "First Financial Bulb!" - Release Date: 8/20/2022 ---- Thanks for participating in this week's discussion! ---- Check out our community guidelines so we can have MORE high-quality conversations: https://www.extracredits.site/extra-credits-community-code-of-con ---- Want to support the people who make this show? ---- Become a Patreon Member & Vote on future Extra History episodes! http://bit.ly/EHPatreon Or show off your fandom with our merch! http://extracredits.store/ ---- Want more Extra Credits? Subscribe and follow us on social media! ---- Twitter: http://bit.ly/ECTweet Facebook: http://bit.ly/ECFBPage Instagram: http://bit.ly/ECisonInstagram Twitch: http://bit.ly/ECtwitch Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@extracreditz Website: http://extracredits.site/ ---- Interested in sponsoring an episode? Email us: extracredits@standard.tv ---- ♪ Music by Demetori: http://bit.ly/1EQA5N7 ♪ Outro Music: "Abyssinia!" by Tiffany Roman Download the Music on Patreon! #ExtraHistory #EthiopianEmpire #History



Came the same week one of our young bulls won champion standing at the Kent County Show.


Didn't a British guy look into the Church the Ark was supposed to be stored and saw a medieval box?


P.S: Oh, and our duck eggs have hatched, too. 1403 In the Empire of The Great Ming, the new Ming Emperor, Huangdi Zhu Di, Known to History as the Yongle Emperor, wanting to Impress China’s Power upon the World, as well as Show off China’s Resources and Importance, Orders the Construction of Special “Treasure Ships,” Ships over 400 Foot long, 160 Foot wide, with Nine Masts, Twelve Sails, and Four Decks, each large enough to Carry 2,500 Tons of Cargo, each Armed with Dozens of small Cannons. Accompanying those Ships will be Hundreds of smaller Vessels, some Filled only with Water, others carrying Troops, or Horses, or Cannons, still others with Gifts of Silk and Brocades, Porcelain, Lacquerware, Tea, and Ironworks that will Impress the Rulers of far ~ Flung Civilizations. The Yongle Emperor Selects Zheng He, a Muslim Eunuch, to Command this Fleet of Exploration. In the Empire of The Great Ming, the Yongle Emperor Orders the Rebuilding and Expansion of the Great Wall. While Parts of the Wall have Existed since the Time of the Qin Dynasty, only now is it Built into the One continuous Fortified Structure we Know today. 1409 In the Empire of The Great Ming, Chinese Troops Conduct Notably Destructive Punitive Raids against the Mongols, and the Mongols themselves make Several Incursions into China. 1412 6th January In the Duchy of Bar, a Daughter, Joanna, is Born in Domrémy, Duchy of Bar, to Farmer Jacquot d'Arc and his Wife, Isabelle Romee. The Family Owns about 50 Acres [20 Hectares] of Land and her Father Suppliments the Family’s Income with a Minor Position as a Village Official, Collecting Taxes and Serving as Head of the Local Watch. 1413 In the Kingdom of France, King Philip V of France Declares a Regency for the Infant Duke Charles of Bar. 1422 In the Empire of The Great Ming, Admiral Zheng He and the Egyptian Ambassador Arrive at the Court of Huangdi Zhu Di of Ming China. Formal are Established between the Two Powers and Trade Agreements are reached. A Chinese Ambassador is Dispatched to Egypt. 1423 In the Empire of Trebizond, the Beylik of Pervâneoğlu Invades the Empire of Trebizond after a Substantial Bribe from the Recently Bulgarianised Byzantine Empire, only to Subsequently be Invaded itself by the Byzantine Empire. In the Empire of The Great Ming, in this Year, the First Egyptian Trading Ships Call at Chinese Ports and Chinese Ships begin Regularly Visiting Egyptian Ports, and the Chinese Ambassador takes up Residence in Sais. 1431 14th December In the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Council of Florence [having Moved from Ferrara to Avoid the Black Death] is Seated by Pope-King Leo V in an Attempt to try and Heal the Schism between the Roman Catholic, Egyptian, and Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Face of the Black Death in Europe and European Contact with the Sri Vijayan Empire. 1481 21st June In the Papal Kingdom, Pope-King Alexander VI Issues the Papal Bull Aeterni Regis, Granting all Lands South of the Azores Islands to Portugal. 1487 In the Kingdom of Portugal, by Royal Charter, King John II of Portugal Provides for a Permanent Settlement on Verao Island on the same Line as Madeira and the Azores. Due to the vast Distance from Mainland Portugal [and Occasional Difficulties in finding it] Portugal will often have to rely on Vinland to keep the Population of the new Colony from Starving. 1493 4th May In the Papal Kingdom, with the Controversy over Threatenning a General War in Iberia, Pope-King Alexander VI [Rodrigo de Borja, an Aragonese Valencian by Birth] Wades into the Controversy by Issuing the Papal Bull Inter Caeteria, Decreeing that all Lands Discovered 100 Leagues West of the are Spanish. 1910 1st January In the Confederate States, elsewhere along the Western Front, the U.S. has Managed to Push the Confederates Back across the River Ohio, Retaking Land which has not Belonged to the U.S. ever since the Days of the War of Southron Independence. There is not much Celebration, however, as the Confederates Scythe down 30,000 Yankees when they try to Capture Henderson, Kentucky. The Losses are so Heavy that the U.S. is left Reeling, Allowing the Confederates to Sweep Back over the River and Recapture the large Population Centre of Evansville, which had been Iowai Territory for only about a Week. The U.S. Launches a Counter ~ Counter Attack to take it Back, again with Heavy Losses. The Confederates leave, but then Return again. By this Point, Evansville is little more than a Name on the Map for a Place Bombs are Supposed to go, and over 155,000 Men on both sides, Plus Civilians, have Died in the Constant Sieges. By January, the City has been taken and then Retaken no Less than 12 Times. At Last, the U.S. Seems to Gain the Upper Hand and brings in Fresh Canadian Volunteers to Hold it. Then, an Amphibious Invasion of Owensboro and Cairo leaves the Confederates unable to do anything but stay where they are until the Weather gets better and Reinforcements can be Brought up. The Winter Weather also Wreaks Havoc on Airships, too, and, as 1910 Dawns along the Western Front, Billy Yank and Johnny Reb Stand Shivering in the Ice and Snow, trying to Pull the Triggers of their Rifles with their Numb Fingers. Fighting Slows as both sides Build up their Fortifications, Waiting for the next Round to begin. 1935 12th February In the Kingdom of Romania, some Warehouses in Romania are Filled in with Infantry Equipment from the Balkan War and the Fifth Great Global War. These Guns Rot in the Dust while they could be useful for the Iron Guard’s Rebellion. The Issue is that these Hangars are Protected either by Byzantine Soldiers or by Corrupt Serbian Soldiers. The Iron Guard could Bribe them or Infiltrate the Places Discreetly. There’s still a chance that One of their Operations could Fail and their Agents could be Compromised, and, after Considering his Options, Prime Minister Codreanu Decides that the Iron Guard needs those Guns at all Costs! 1971 In the United Islamic Republic, Iranian Spies Report that a tiny 20 Tonne Nuclear Device has been Detonated in the Desert in the Al Anbar District of Jazira. Some Governments, Including the United States, Voice Concern, but the U.I.R. Denies the Device’s Existence. 12th October In the Imperial State of Iran, Cyrus Day, Commemorating the 2,500th Year Anniversary of the Founding of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the Great begins with the Shah and the Shahbanu Paying Homage to Cyrus at his Mausoleum in Pasargadae. 1973 19th October In the United Islamic Republic, Learning that the United States is Selling $2.2,000,000 Worth of Weapons to Israel, President Muammar al-Gaddafi Imposes a full Oil Embargo on the U.S. and other Countries which Support Israel.