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The patrons have spoken! The newest topic to be added to the Extra History production schedule is Ned Kelly and the Kelly Gang. This result marks our first foray into Australian history! The series will air in early spring of 2017.




Hmm. I'm both thrilled - because this is a fun topic - and dissapointed. The underground railroad is a big, important one, I was really hoping you'd get to talk about it. The curse of the North American topics strikes again. Ah well, perhaps another vote.


Kelly as in Machine Gun Kelly ?

eLNeroDiablo Studios

Nope. Edward "Ned" Kelly lived between December 1854 & November 1880 (hung on November 11th) in Australia, where he was a Bushranger (escaped convicts living in the bush). He is probably best known for his fight at Glenrowan with the Victorian Police, which involved him and his gang wearing home-made armour.


Well, James now can say that he has covered each (inhibited) continent.


This will be a fun topic. Not surprising like the previous 5 US history topics, the Underground Railroad lost in a landslide, less than half the number of votes for first place and 247 votes short of third place. It’s clear that the Extra Credits community prefers obscure topics. Since most of patreons live in the US, US history topics will start with a popularity debuff. Sengoku Jidai or the First Battle of Manassas. South Sea Company or the Run-up to the Civil War. The First Crusade or Benedict Arnold. US topics can't compete with other topics, despite the fact we know history education in the US is woefully watered down. I don’t think we’ll see a US history topic unless the EC crew and community members really try to promote it or we have specific themed poll on US history like the April poll on Science and Economics.

Zoe Alleyne

As an Australian my reaction to this win was "noooooooooooooooooooo!!" Followed by some broken sobbing. This is FAR from obscure in Australia, we learn about it, people talk about it, there are movies and tv shows about it, it's very prominently known. Too known. BUT, trying to look on the bright side, extra history always delivers on quality. I was really looking forward to hearing about the underground railway, because such things aren't really taught here and because poc history dammit, but I look forward to seeing what EH will do with this. Heck, maybe I'll even learn something new. Ah well, as Ned would (allegedly, before being hanged at the tender age of 25) say, "such is life".


Oh, this is thrilling!


Heath Ledger played Ned Kelly in a wonderful movie of the same name based on him and his gangs life story. I highly recommend it, I would say heath ledger's second best performance after Dark knight.


He at least came in second? Could be back for a rematch later!


It is a rather broad assumption to say that all US history is watered down. I know not everybody is fortunate, but I happened to have a few amazing history teachers that taught history very similarly to how EC presents it. Although, I would say that EC presents it much better, the point stands.


Interesting. I know nothing about Australian history so it will be something new to learn. :) Looking forward to it.


My favourite Australian of all time.


Heck yeah. Time for some Aussie representation.


What's the current schedule for upcoming series?