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It's time for our Extra History poll! Where you get to vote on what our next Extra History Series is about! Our four Patreon suggested topics are listed below.

War of Scottish Independence: William Wallace and Robert the Bruce

In 1291, King Edward I of England—called to Scotland to arbitrate a succession crisis on the Scottish throne—attempted instead to put a puppet king on the throne and turn Scotland into a vassal state. Increasingly furious about the situation, Scottish nobles brokered a treaty with France, prompting Edward to invade in 1296. The First War of Scottish Independence had begun, but with the powerful families fighting amongst themselves, it appeared at first that it would be over quickly. But English armies met unexpected resistance from the armies of two minor knights, Andrew Moray and William Wallace, who briefly turned the tide before Moray was killed and Wallace gruesomely executed. But there was another who would take up leadership—Robert the Bruce, who declared himself King of the Scots and entered a guerilla war against both the English and his Scottish rivals. Learn the history that Braveheart so badly messed up (we'll have the Battle of Sterling Bridge take place on a bridge, promise) and how Scotland secured its claim as a separate kingdom.

Philippine Revolution: Enemies Old and New

The Philippines has one of the most interesting and tragic stories of revolution in history. From the initial risings in 1896—taking advantage of the Spanish Empire's weakened state—the revolutionary cause met with some success before its first self-described "President" was executed by another leader. But things would become even more complicated when the Spanish-American war broke out, and an American fleet captured Manila. With a major world power thrashing the colonial Spanish, yet refusing to formally ally with the revolutionaries, it briefly looked as if the Philippine rebels had caught a break. That is, until two months after the Americans signed a treaty that said the islands were theirs and went to war against the revolutionaries themselves. In this series, we'll explore a morally grey conflict where rebel groups clash with each other as much as the enemy, and the Philippines trades one colonial oppressor for another in a war that looks far more modern than its date suggests.

Benito Juarez: President vs. Emperor

With the United States locked in Civil War, the Second French Empire saw an opportunity to take a piece of the Americas. Demanding repayment of loans, they landed forces in Mexico, toppled the Republic, and installed Maximillian I—the nephew of Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph—as emperor. But this was no fait accompli. Mexico’s warrior president, Benito Juárez, retreated west to rule a government-in-exile. Pulling together the tattered remains of his forces and enlisting covert aid from the Lincoln administration, he started an insurgency in the city that would later bear his name. Thus began a war that will would the French Foreign Legion their fearsome reputation, give us Cinco de Mayo, and end with Maximilian sentenced to death—but would Juárez dare put the nephew of an Emperor in front of a firing squad?

The Easter Rising: Ireland's Day of Reckoning

After decades of bombings, attacks, a swing to nonviolence, and even an attempted invasion of Canada, the Irish Republican Brotherhood is ready to seize Dublin. Rapidly and unexpectedly swinging back toward using physical force, the rebels rise in 1916 in hopes of taking advantage of the British Army's lower troop presence due to the First World War. For six days there's street-fighting through the alleys and squares of Dublin, with Irish republican rebels facing off against British troops and the Royal Irish Constabulary. By the time it's over, the revolt will be defeated and 16 of its leaders executed in hasty trials—but the heavy-handed use of British artillery and civilian deaths will push Ireland to vote for revolutionary parties in 1918, leading to a declaration of independence. Join us for an unusual war, one that ends in a negotiated peace rather than unconditional surrender... and that will lay the groundwork for regional difficulties and dangers that continue to this day.

Cast your vote(s) below and let us know what series you would like us to air on Extra History!

Current Schedule:  

Ethiopian Empire: House of Solomon --> Eleanor of Aquitaine --> Your Vote!

***Friendly reminder: The poll will end at 10:30 AM PT on Sunday, May 15th. You can vote for as many choices as you want! This style of voting helps us see what people are most interested in without having to make tough decisions between a couple of close favorites. ***



I’m torn. I voted for Ireland because that had a lot of stuff to do with brexit, and I don’t know much about the Easter uprising, but their is a bunch of stuff going on with the Phillipeno elections.

Vincent Cruz

I'm new here, has there ever been a tie? How do we break it? 🤔